Sugar Datings Experience

Online Dating Help, Advice and Tips

Jewelry On Men Is Not Sexy

The title says it all, really. Unless it’s a watch or a wedding band, I prefer not to see jewelry on a straight man. There are a number of reasons for this, t...

Last updated: January 4, 2024

Divorce Advice For Men — 11 Things To Do Now

There are a lot of important actions that men can take to protect themselves in a divorce. Some things for you to consider regarding specific financial matters ...

Last updated: January 4, 2024

5 Signs She'S Not Into You

I've already written an article listing 5 ways to tell if she's into you -- today we're going to discuss 5 ways to tell when she isn't. As a female, these examp...

Last updated: January 4, 2024

5 Signs She'S A Psycho

This is more or less an early warning system for men. I’ll be fair and say that women aren’t usually born psychotic, it’s something that tends to happen a...

Last updated: January 4, 2024

How To Sleep With A Woman

I’d imagine a number of men arrived here with the hopes of finding something lewd and explicit. You’ll have to forgive me, as the title is actually quite li...

Last updated: January 4, 2024

Should You Divorce Or Work Out?

by Ralph Crainer Problems can crop up in any marriage. Managing them needs dedication and hard work. But the reward for the effort can be well worth it. Divorce...

Last updated: January 4, 2024

How To Improve Your Skin With Healthy Eating

When I grew up there were no fast food outlets, microwave dinners or processed foods. We enjoyed a healthy diet of fresh natural food, fresh fruit, salads and v...

Last updated: January 4, 2024

Here'S Some Very Good Advice On Love

Questions concerning love and wisdom were posed to a group of children (ages 5 to 10). Their responses were amazingly astute and very enlightening, thus proving...

Last updated: January 3, 2024

Anniversary Gift Ideas

by Akella Anniversaries cement the ties of marriage. The amount of love and affection a couple shares between each other climbs new peaks when anniversaries are...

Last updated: January 3, 2024