How To Improve Your Skin With Healthy Eating

When I grew up there were no fast food outlets, microwave dinners or processed foods. We enjoyed a healthy diet of fresh natural food, fresh fruit, salads and vegetables and I have always kept to this healthy eating habit.
If you change your diet to natural food, your appearance will also change and natural collagen production will improve, this in turn will fill in any hollows under the eyes and around your cheeks. This doesn’t just affect your face; it affects every inch of the skin covering your body.
Healthy eating and sticking to a healthy diet has major benefits. When you eat natural food the whole surface of your body will improve; your skin will become soft and smooth yet firm and supple to touch. Visible pores will diminish; dull skin will take on a more porcelain-like complexion. Eyes will become clear and bright with a bluish tinge to the whites and your whole face will radiate good health.
A healthy diet of natural food will give your body all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to repair cells and regenerate. Eating natural food little and often prevents you from getting too hungry and making the wrong choices. Replace salads with fresh vegetables for a healthy diet in the colder winter months, when cooked they should still be slightly crunchy. Over cooking vegetables will destroy their vitamin content.
I have added some healthy recipes using vegetables and salads for you to try. These are not weight loss recipes but ideas using natural food and adding variety to your overall diet.

The feel good factor

As your body rids itself of toxins and retained fluids, you will notice changes occurring – you will feel brighter and more relaxed, concentration powers will improve, you will take more interest in people and things around you and you will be more optimistic. This is the feel good factor brought on by healthy eating.
Vitamin D can promote the feel good factor and is in abundance from sunlight. Controlled exposure to sunlight encourages our body to produce its own Vitamin D. It is unwise to lie out in the sun for hours on end but simply taking a 10 to 15 minute walk in the sun two or three times a week is all the exposure you need. This will clear your head, relieve stress and increase blood circulation. It’s that simple.
This is why you are more inclined to feel depressed on dull cloudy days and the medical profession knows this condition as ‘seasonal affective disorder’ or SAD. It’s also why sunbathing makes you feel so good, it’s not just your tan you’re topping up.

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