Women Seeking Romantic Encounters And Men Who Want To Fulfill Them

by Williams, Alan

Most marriages are in dire need of what most affairs are all about: fun, secrecy, spontaneity, nurturing and escaping from reality. Relationships change over time and needs often become neglected. As a relationship matures the energy can diminish and the sex often becomes less exciting, boring and monotonous. Many choose to recapture this sexual energy by embarking on an extramarital affair or open relationship. Extramarital affairs and open spousal relationships offer an opportunity to re-experience the excitement and stimulation associated with dating and courtship.

Through extramarital affairs you can revisit your adolescent sexuality, the lighthearted sexual teasing, the spontaneous enjoyment of little things, cuddling, the awe of being in a new location, of being uninhibited and sharing secrets back and forth. Once again "make out" in the strangest places, playfully create sexual tension and bask in the spirit of enjoying the unpredictable. It isn't difficult to recognize a couple having an extramarital affair. They are in their own little "bubble" of space and time. They have stepped out of reality and into long forgotten passion, desire and lust.

Here at The Cheating Wives Club we hope whoever you're with keeps you totally happy and satisfied. We truly do. Our purpose is not for you to go out and cheat in your relationship. We want to provide women with up to date information, options and resources so they have the ability to make informed decisions about their future. We truly hope that your relationship is perfect and fulfilling, but unfortunately that's not always the case. If you have unmet needs then we invite you explore The Cheating Wives Club and review the information contained here.

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