Women Dating Tips: How To Go About Your First Date

Okay, so I’m not a girl and I’m in no position to write something about dating tips for women. This one’s courtesy of my friend Anj who graciously provided you ladies with a few tips on going out on your first date.

There is never going to be an easy way for anyone to be a perfect date because the only way to be it is to get to do it a lot! But when it’s your first time, the only thing you can think of is how not to make a fool of yourself on that special day / night.

It’s really exciting to get asked out especially if it’s the same guy who you were eyeing for a whole year. You keep wishing to get just one moment with him where you can finally make him fall in love with you..but here you are hours before the anticipated date and you can’t get a grip. Well stop biting your nails because there’s nothing to worry about. We’ll cover the basics for you.

What do you talk about on a date?

What you don’t want is dead air. There are a LOT of things you can talk about and you don’t even need to write these down. If you get all nervous, you might end up stuttering. So just relax and let the conversation go smoothly.

Talk of good things.

Don’t talk about other boys you have a crush on, or your insecurities. The least you want him to think is that you’re unsure of yourself which is very unattractive. Let him see what he’s been missing by being fun to talk to. Talk about your own circle of friends or your families. Talk about school, and what you do for fun like sports. Maybe a second date might even be brought up upon discovering that you are both into hiking.

Who pays for the food?

Gone are the days when it was understood that a guy always pays for the food, regardless. To address this situation, it is always wise to have ready cash at least enough to pay for your own part of the meal. When it’s time to pay, you may offer to pay for your food, but your date might want to pay for everything instead. Some guys are fine by girls paying for their own, others won’t let you spend a cent. It your date insisted to pay for everything, let him. Later you may want to treat him to some desert or a shake. This way, he’ll feel that he’s special to you since you insisted on treating him for a little something.

Do you kiss on a first date?

Depending on how the date turned out to be, letting him kiss you on the cheek would be a simple gesture to thank him for it. Anything other than that would be your call. If you’re truly disappointed, just a simple word of goodbye will probably make him realize that it was a lousy one.

Who calls whom, afterwards?

Many would say, let him call. But if you’re really interested and would like to see him again, calling him thanks is fine. Texting him a note of thanks is also a popular alternative as calls can sometimes mean that you’re too forward.

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