Women & Relationships

1. What turns women on

2. Women choosing men
3. Women about men
4. Real woman tricks
5. A woman he needs
6. What a girl wants
7. Female mistakes
8. Tips to win her heart
9. Advantages over men

10. 12 top secrets of building relationships with women

Love is everything in a life of a woman. Failed to be successful in his professional sphere, a man at the moment can’t think about his relationships; on the contrary, a woman, having serious problems with her love affair, can’t concentrate on her job. Either agreeing with these statements or not, you can’t deny the fact that love and relationships are the huge part of a woman’s life. Exceptions are very few.

It all starts in the early childhood. Girls play dolls, marrying them, creating toy families; they play in mothers and daughters. Later girls start to dream of a beautiful white bride’s dress; they’re trying to catch the bouquet on the weddings of their elder relatives and friends. Their favorite topic for discussion are boys, they imagine a magnificent first date, a romantic first kiss, a perfect boyfriend, an ideal husband and a happy family.

Girls fall in love for the first time, and there starts the saga named “women and relationships”. Each girl thinks that she’s the unique one, the happiest or the most miserable. It doesn’t matter in fact, because love stories repeat the same scripts for every woman. Girls fall in and out of love, change boyfriends, making the same mistakes, blame it all on men.

When a woman starts new relationships with a man, she seems to play the main role. Men are obsessed with passionate attempts to get aquatinted with an object of adoration, but in course of time female happens to get too much attached to a partner, complaining of his not giving flowers or paying that tender attention anymore. A man has finally won his woman - she’s calling him everyday; turning for help, advice and understanding; she’s asking in a weepy voice “don’t you love me anymore?” - so does he still have to claim his individual property? His own logic says he doesn’t. Women and their relationships are the great encyclopedia of mistakes. Women tend to forget that the less they show their affection, the more they are appreciated by their second halves.

Women and relationships tell an endless story of a constant search for the Ideal Man that – and that’s proved by science – doesn’t exist. As a result, women try to change male dates in a way to meet their innocent dreams of Mr. Prince Charming on a White Horse. Usually, it never works - he gets annoyed, she gets disappointed.

We all should remind ourselves from time to time that we’re living in the real world, both men and women aren’t perfect, we have our bad habits and sins, some positive or negative past experience, our fears and complexes. While building relationships we have to deal with all that in each other. The love and relationships are never what women or men want them to be. Favorable outcome leads to compromises, dismal end – to everlasting cold war.

1. What turns women on

What thing do usually turn a woman on? There’s a well-known list of such things like beautiful body, low sexual voice, strong arms and etc. But there are some not ordinary things about men that turn women on. So what are those singularities that get some women excited and the other women surprised that the first are excited?

Do you like man’s first name or surname? You think that it sounds so magically beautiful that the one who bears it can’t be an ordinary man, and everything he does is supposed to be fantastic.

He’s got a foreign name, an aristocratic surname or something and you have just a name or just a surname probably the same with thousands of other people. Probably you expect that this man will get you attached to something that you’ve been always deprived of. Well in the most cases is not much better or worse than others by go on try it yourself to get sure.

Maybe you loose your head when you see some magical combination of figures in his phone, car or any other number?

These are exactly the figures you like, it must be a sign of destiny that he’s appeared on your life way. Probably you are a fan of numerology, you think that mathematics has no idea of the real importance of numbers and figures it operates with, probably they’re the signs of upper forces making living in this world a little less complicated. Well it’s up to you to believe but don’t close the eyes on the other but the numbers features of that guy.

Do you like his signature or hand writing? You aren’t the only one. The explanation of this singularity is rather simple. You are sure that the way he right tells a lot about his true character and that you can read that character in his signature. You may go and try to check up if any of your versions is true.

Does his foreign accent, profession, hobby or any exotics thing he keeps, likes and does? You are definitely a hunter for exotics. You are probably displeased with your own life and think it’s one of a kind, very ordinary and boring. He brings new emotions and impressions into you life, he’s like a breath of a fresh air to you.

That’s very understandable but be careful with the crocodile he keeps in his bathroom.

Do you like the defects of his speech or his bandaged arm, leg or probably a broken nose? These are the mothers instincts speaking in you. You want to take care of him, you pity him.

Maybe it’s his glasses, earring, any other piercing or accessories that really turn you on? You start feeling hot at the moment the things a man with the pierces nipple can do in bed. Well this is a kind of fetishism but for you it’s so really exciting. Probably your either like all the romantic attributes of sex like candelas and aromatic oil, cream and strawberries, playing role games.

Or do you like that he’s left-handed or the shape of his ears or hands? Maybe that’s just a type of man you prefer, you are very original in the criterions of your choice but that your right – some women can’t resist blue-eyed blondes and that’s considered normal. Maybe you think that all the left-handed people are outstanding people and nothing turns you on more than the thought of how talented that man is. Maybe you had some man with the same shape of ears before and only following the signals of your past at the present moment. It’s only you who can tell for sure.

Do you like the way he’s doing hard physical work or on the opposite maybe you like that he looks and smells like candy? It’s normal for all women to get excited from the men who look masculine, and that’s how he looks when she chops and saws firewood for example. A candy-man is a type of a feminine man and very possible a gay-men. Or maybe he just a metrosexual that looks after himself. Then a woman should decide if a man who spends on the cosmetics even more money than she does is so attractive for her.

One more case is when you like a man doing housework. Of course it’s not a apron on him that is so exiting for you but the care and love you see in this will to help.

Summing it all up one could say that some things about men that turn some women up are really singular and a little bit freaky, others are quite understandable, but all those of them can be called right in case they make a woman feel happy and satisfied.

2.Women choosing men

Who’s choosing whom? We are used to think that it’s men who choose. They usually first start an acquaintance with a woman, ask he for a phone number, call her first, offer to go out together and etc. The most obvious sign, as it seems, that it’s a woman who waits for a man to make her a proposal. At that is the order verified by ages.

Still the scientists claim that the situation can be a little different in the reality. They say that the woman makes her choice more carefully and attentively than a man. She’s more capricious and fastidious while searching for a partner. A woman looks first at man’s social status, his financial affairs. She need not a person to watch and admire but a partner to rely on. Men as everybody knows it love with the eyes. So the beauty and the sexuality of a woman is more important for. Of course later he will have to deal with her character but he isn’t looking that far while a woman is from the beginning orientating on a long-lasting relationships. By the way there’s also an opinion that women are better socially adapted than men.

Both men and men claim that the character of a potential partner is more important for them than the appearance, but on the first date men still get attracted with the beauty of women while women are trying to find out who that man is really are.

The explanation of this lays in the evolutionary history. Women were risking much more when choosing a partner and had to be more attentive making her choice. After having sex man could always get up and leave and a woman could get pregnant. So a woman is historically orientated on a choosing a man to build a family with. Nowadays the situation is of course quite different, women are more independent and the process of conception is put under control but the biological nature of the humans is progressing slower than their socials one so the instincts still play a considerable role in our lives. So a woman on a first date probably isn’t searching for a husband or any serious relations at all, but unconsciously she’s valuing any man she sees if he is valid for creating a family.

Men pay much more attention to the appearance of a woman and if she is beautiful they forget about their claims that the character of a partner is more important for them at all. The first impression from the appearance of a woman pushes away any of such thoughts as if she will be a good wife or even a girlfriend, what’s her social status and etc.

So the men are only forming a list of a candidates for a woman but she’s always the one who’s saying the final word and making a decision. Otherwise when a man likes a woman he offers himself to her as a potential partner and she sees if he’s really the one she needs.

Of course pretty and charming women have longer list of candidates and wider field for choosing and probably more problems with doing it.

By the way the psychologists who work on this theory can’t say whether the further development of the relationships depends on a woman’s choices and decisions. Probably a little later when a man starts thinking with his head they both start playing the equal parts in the further relations.

3. Women about men

Are the men worth being loved? The science has no answer for that question yet, but they are definitely worth to be laughed at.

There are some things that make a man be man and give the women causes to mock at them. Although a clever woman – and the women who can mock at the men are clever ones – never laughs at he man’s face. So what’s o funny?

So one says that most women think that men are awful and terrible but yet haven’t found nothing better.

Just the same way as it’s said about women that they are constant at only one thing – their inconstancy, the very similar saying suits men a lot: if a man can never be faithful than he’s a least faithful to himself in this.

A man is being jealous not only because he’s a man of property but either because he loves himself too much to think that a woman could ever find anyone better. With the women situation is opposite – they are always afraid that a man can find someone better.

A man never talks about love – only about lovers. A woman likes to talk about men and love but never about lover. Also every woman would like to hear “I will love you always”, and every man would prefer to hear about some more definite and definitely shorter terms. That also the reason why men love the women with the past – he hopes once to become a part of that past.

Men speak of love only in one case – if it’s unhappy in order to excuse sex without any love.

A men respects all things that are boring and proud with the things he does in the similar way with all other men – drinking and making kids.

For a woman one man is enough to say that she’s understood them all, for a man all the women he had are the reason to say that he understands none, still every next one is attempts to finally solve the mystery.

The ideal of every normal woman is a gentleman, probably women love the idea that gentlemen go out with blondes but get married on brunets. Still gentlemen’s the weakest of all men and nowadays nobody can say for sure if there’s some of them left and how do define them. By one opinion a man is a gentleman if he at list takes a cigarette out of his mouth before kissing a woman.

Also every woman is sure that she’s wiser than any man that’s why she always knows when it’s time to step back and let a man think that he’s the stronger and the cleverer one. A woman won’t ever loose your head only because of the man’s beautiful legs.

Women pay more attention to such really important as credit cards and sometimes character and less to the details of minor importance like age and beauty.

Every woman knows how to use the self-assurance of the men for her own profit – tell him that he can’t or too old to do the thing and he’ll die but get it done. But still he’s making a ritual of anything he’s doing – haven’t you noticed he always hangs around in the kitchen when it’s you who’s cooking, but if he takes the preparation of the dinner in his hands he can’t stand a person besides him.

Also women like talk about heir husbands and the married men. One says she’s married an archeologists because he cherishes the things the more the older they get, another claims she would have married again if she only could find a very wealthy and not very healthy man, one more woman likes to think that the best of all men she didn’t love was her first husband.

Women are always fighting with their discrimination in the man’s world. Men are discriminated too. They can’t have kids. Still no one fights with that. Probably men themselves are just like kids with more expensive toys. Some women are even sue that those man are truly masculine who behave courageously and childish at one time.

Women are always trying to find a formula for an ideal man, but time after time they come to a conclusion that such a man doesn’t existed and if he did it would be extremely boring to live with him.

Of course woman don’t mean everything they say about men, because if they did they couldn’t ever love them, but yet truth has it’s part in all those words.

4. Real woman tricks

Being a real woman is an art mostly pleasant, but demanding some skills and knowledge. As we all know, there are no unbeautiful women, there are women who don’t know that they’re beautiful. A woman is only what she makes it of herself. There are some tricks that make a woman the real one, and help her to bear that name proudly. These recommendations aren’t the rules. The only definite rule is the inner feeling of a woman that she is the one and the only, but never just one of a kind.

A real woman is independent. She’s always busy on her own business. It can be whatever – job, hobbies, interests. She has no time to deal with the problems and affairs of others. That doesn’t mean she is selfish and takes no compassion on others. She will always be there for her relatives and friends willing to listen to their complaints and to help.

A woman shouldn’t solve man’s problems. This prerogative is male . A man is the one supposed to take care of a woman.

A real woman can’t ever be had over the barrel. She is always well-dressed with her hair and make-up done. Be ready that anything can happen all of a sudden. You’ll say it is hard to look nice all the time – for a real woman it’s a habit.

A woman should always stay calm and relaxed, behaving as if nothing in this world really troubles her. All the attacks of nerves and hysterics are not for public. You’d better never let them see you cry. Tears have a strong effect on men, but don’t abuse it.

Money shouldn’t become the necessity of real woman’s life. If she has money she spends it, when she is short of money she doesn’t care, or just pretends she doesn’t.

A real woman always has a couple of really good and expensive dresses in her wardrobe. They play the role of a parade costume for cases when it’s necessary to make an impression.

One can say there are only “must do” and “must have” for a so-called real woman. But there are many “free to do, or not to do” for her either. The most are provided by men who are ready to forgive her almost everything for just one charming smile, which is supposed to be saying “sorry”.

A woman can let herself be late. 10-15 minutes late is almost on time. 45 minutes – he’ll be only glad that you finally appeared. It’s always better for a woman to be late, rather than to run in a hurry. Men tend to forgive a woman her mood swings, sudden changes of the decisions, promises forgotten and etc.

A real woman can let herself twist men round her little finger. She may stay mysteriously silent, complain that she’s bored, act stupid or start a passionate scientific argument. Nobody can make a woman answer a question if she doesn’t want to, and nobody can force her explain the reasons for doing/not doing this or that. Acting so capricious and unbalanced is a simple way to get a man attached to a woman. Don’t hesitate to make a man spend as much money on you as he can afford – he will never leave an object of capital investments.

A woman knows her worth, but makes everyone believe she’s priceless. Everything she does - she does it with elegance. She knows how to make men dance to her tune and she really enjoys it. She always stays independent, careless and free. She knows what she wants, and will never let anyone stay in her way. A real woman is quite self-confident not to care about the rumors or public opinion, holding her head up high.

If a woman wants to be a real one, she shouldn’t be afraid of changes and mistakes. It’s never too late to make another attempt.

5. A woman he needs

He needs a housekeeper in the kitchen, a lady in public, a partner in work, a friend in troubles and a porno-star in the bedroom.

The most funny thing is that very often men don’t understand that all these different identities couldn’t survive in a body of one woman. They often forget that a modern woman doesn’t stand in the shadow of her man any longer, and doesn’t consider her only aim to help him and to serve his interests. So this – I want it all and I want it now – doesn’t work. Each man has to find out his own priorities in the relationships with the opposite sex.

So he needs an understanding, loyal friend. He likes to talk about his interests, ideas and projects. He’d like to have a passionate listener who will look at him with admiring and understanding eyes, catching his every single word, sharing every thought. Women do know how to play a role of such a listener. The main thing is to make those passionate eyes, the rest is not so important. She may not even try to understand what he’s talking about, but he’ll be sure that he has finally met a soul mate. This misunderstanding can last for while, until they both find out whether they really share the same ideas, or the woman is simply trying to manipulate, while the man is listening only to himself. His disappointment to reveal the truth can be enormous. But it’s partly his own fault. A dialogue supposes two persons participating in the talk.

Family is a shelter, where self-assurance is being grown and cultivated. A man need that kind of a faithful woman that will provide comfort to his house, remind him restlessly that he’s the best, and that everything will work out just the way he is planning it. But if woman dares to express her own point of view on man’s business and projects, he’ll probably cease the very first attempt because, he needs nothing more than approval.

Nowadays modern women work so that they have enough problems and interests of their own. Both men and women are supposed to look for a new ground for communicating, because that patriarchal family model has almost ruined.

Another type of a suitable female partner for a man is a sexual, charming and attractive woman. All men like beautiful gorgeous women. The problem is that dazzling image and long red nails have nothing in common with cooking, cleaning and washing.

Every time a man chooses a woman is an unpredictable game of chance, tastes, characters and feelings, of course.

6. What a girl wants

A girl wants a man. A wealthy man, a successful men, a famous man, an interesting man, a macho, a talented man, a loving man, a man she loves, a father for her children, a friend, a sex-machine – details may differ, but the main point stays the same. She wants a man. Some females want just money or a career, but if she denies her willingness to meet a real man – she lies. Moreover, girl’s demands to what she calls a good man vary as she gets older.

A girl of 22 wants a prince on a white horse. A girl may claim she’s realistic and doesn’t look on the world through the pink glasses, but she’ll never confess dreaming of an ideal man. He’s got to be handsome, charming, popular. He’s got to be rich - probably not so rich, but always in funds. Of course, he’s got to be generous to spend money on her. He’s got to be smart, brilliantly smart– to some girls it’s even more important than being very handsome, but of course his mind is never more important than his purse. He’s got to have a great sense of humor, to be athletic, stylish, romantic and a good listener, tender lover and... well, the list of his qualities can be prolonged on and on. A girl wants a man to adore her and to make her the goddess with flowers, gifts and promises of eternal love laid at her feet.

A girl of 32 wants just a good man. She has finally taken off those pink glasses and got rid of romantic fantasies. So her good man mustn’t be a hero – he is good-looking, has good manners, a well-paid job, a good car, a good house, and a good sum of money on a credit card. Also he carries bags from supermarket, likes her home-cooked dinners, laughs at her jokes, remembers the most important dates – like her mom’s birthday, and able to express tenderness not less than one time per week. Such a nice domestic kind of a good man.

A girl of 42 wants just a man. That ordinary kind of man is not a movie star, he even has a belly instead of muscles– good if the shirt covers it all; sometimes a head lacking hair, but still isn’t too disgusting. He shaves by the weekends, is still “athletic” enough to do some housework, remembers where to laugh in the jokes, nods to show he’s listening, takes her out once a month, drives her to the supermarket and back, doesn’t set the car in motion until all women’s parts of body are in, and puts the water-closet pan’s seat down.

A girl of 52 wants... well she just lives with that man. It’s really nice if he remembers her name, shaves during weekends, sometimes gets a haircut, changes underwear and socks regularly, borrows money not too often, tries to behave himself in public. It’s great if he also finds the strength to leave the coach for some weekends, notices delicious dinner while watching TV, doesn’t always fall asleep while listening to a person. By this age a woman doesn’t expect much, in fact she asks for the very minimum.

A girl of 62 wants a man who won’t disturb her too often. She’s a lucky one, if he’s not too scary to make his own grandchildren cry, if he still remembers where the bathroom is, where his teeth are, what month it is, who this woman is, what he is laughing at, and etc. A woman will appreciate his ability to get up, dress properly without much help from her side. The top of all dreams is if it doesn’t cost a lot to keep that man, and if there are some places in the house, where his snore doesn’t reach.

A girl of 72... well, some “girls” do live that long, but what about men? Are you sure he’s still breathing? And he doesn’t leave puddles in the water-closet? Oh, that’s a real treasure for a tired girl of 72.

7. Female mistakes

So girls are from Venus and boys are from Mars. We are from different planets and met on Earth occasionally. Men think that all women are different and there is no way to understand them. Women think that all men are the same, and there is no way to change them. Men are trying to understand women, and women are trying to change men. As a result, we barely understand each other. It would be better for us to admit that listening to ourselves and each other we can try to avoid some serious relationship mistakes. Finally, both men and women do make mistakes.

Those typical female may seem very obvious and simple - we’ve read about them, we’ve heard about them - but we’ve never supposed it is all about us. Maybe that’s the worst female mistake.

So what are the reasons for the ship to start going down?

Man searching a wife in the image and likeness of his mom is a notorious fact. But he needs a woman, not a second mom. He is a big boy and don’t need to be guided by any woman. Stop telling him what to do, don’t control his every step. Sooner or later even the most patient partner will be annoyed.

Men like pretty women, but that doesn't mean they have to get closely aquatinted with the things that make Cinderella a princess. A woman doesn’t have to put her make-up or do her exercises only in the state of a total secrecy, but still all those thick green and read masks on a face don’t excite any man. It’s a mistake not to accept the fact that a man is scarcely interested in all those female creams, scrubs, masks, anti-cellulite gels; he won’t ask how your diet is going, or whether you think that hair balsam is right for his type of hair. Don’t even try to pull him into all this stuff. A woman should be already grateful for him to notice positive results of all those beauty procedures.

Another female mistake is to close the eyes on those little flaws in relationships that grow day by day. That kind of negligence can turn once passionate love into everyday routine, when two people simply don’t notice each over anymore.

Lots of problems and mutual mistakes come from the bedroom. He wants sex - she wants romantics, which she thinks sex is. She makes too many rituals, while he wants it quick and simple; or he wants sex, while she wants something high and spiritual.

Another female mistake is made by some mothers, while they give affection, care and attention to a child, forgetting all around. So they run risks to wake up for a moment from their motherhood and find out that something wrong is happening to their husbands.

One more naive female mistake, not very harmful but yet unpleasant, is that women take man’s impudence to ignore them as a personal offence.

Women don’t like to admit their being wrong. The man is always the one to blame.

They set the rules, so they should pay for everything that goes out of order.

In the age of the established feminism and the victory of sexual revolution men and women are equal in both making mistakes and paying for them. If a woman considers a man to be guilty of making a mistake – it means she has given him a huge part of her own life responsibility.

Frequently a woman is afraid of analyzing her female mistakes, because deep inside her soul she’s scared to find out a number one female mistake – she has chosen the wrong man.

8. Tips to win her heart

A woman spends a great deal of money and even more time on her appearance to carry a proud name of a good-looking woman. A man is called a handsome one, if he looks a little bit different from gorilla. Well, that can be a bit of exaggeration.

Females like it when males are strong and masculine, but they still want a man, not an animal. So in order to attract a woman, men have some work to do.

Some men consider a beard to be an integral part of their identity or image. But these are few. The most of men shave. Could they just do it regularly? Women, regularly removing hair from much larger (than two cheeks and chin) a square of their bodies, can’t get the reason.

Some people suppose a bristle is sexy. Probably it is, but not that popular kind of a “haven’t seen a mirror for three days” bristle. By the way all women like men, who are frequent guests in the bathroom. Bad smell and dirty hair oily or with dandruff are the most unpleasant flows in anyone’s appearance. They guarantee bad impression from the very first sight and can push away anyone, not only a pretty woman. Thanks God modern cosmetological industry offers a great list of products to keep anyone clean and fresh.

The same should be done with teeth, hands and nails. Didn’t our mothers tell us how to deal with all this? Soft moisturized skin will take any woman to ecstasy. But that’s already wishful thinking; let’s stop with the necessary minimum.

Should we mention clothes? Of course, you may hit her with your style, but if a man has any doubts of his perfect taste – though usually he doesn’t – widely known classics will do.

Now let’s tell a few words about bad habits. This isn’t anti-tobacco campaign, but everyone who smokes must care about people not bearing cigarette’s smoke. There hardly exists a woman that will like smoke rings, even of the most round shape, flying in her face. Very few females would like yellow fingers and teeth of a smoker, the hair and the clothes’ tobacco smell. Nobody expects a man to give up this habit for woman’s pleasure, but he should consider her comfort.

Men drink alcohol in different portions. The question is only in amount and frequency. If a man is an expert in French vine – that is a plus, but if an expert in being the bars last client – he shouldn’t count on great popularity among women.

These are some very general rules. In fact, they are useful for any man, who wants to make a pleasant impression on people. The greater work should be done to win one’s heart. All women are different, so one can’t be quite sure what will or won’t work in every single case.

All women do love flowers and little unexpected gifts, love being treated like ladies, love care and attention. Almost every female – exception are radical feminists – likes the doors being opened in front of her; chairs being offered as she walks in; careful hands helping her take off the coat, and so on. Each and every woman can listen, but truly love being listened to with natural understanding. Also she likes it when a man shares her interests and dreams. Taking each of these steps, a male comes closer and closer to win her heart. If he can’t do all these very difficult things, he at least can try or act as if he really understands and listens.

Just remember about the famous women’s intuition that will sooner or later get through the fake. Don’t pretend, be yourself, be honest -and that can surprisingly work.

9. Advantages over men

We all know that God made a man first as a sketch, a rehearsal, and a woman was his perfection.

So what are those advantages over man, about which a real woman should never stop reminding herself?

Women’s character is a store of virtues. Women love to make an impression, but they’re never as showing off as man are. The reason is that females know that there are no real results on the surface. So while a man gets a vision of having what he wants, a woman gets what she wants. But still she’s so selfless, so self-sacrificing. Yes, she will sacrifice everything to get what she needs. The question is only in methods of approaching to the aim, and what those methods are like.

What does everybody like females for? They are so nice, sweet, kind, charming and whatever. But if she treats you kindly, it doesn’t mean a woman is weak. Women can’t pretend to be as physically strong as men are, but the real power is in her mind. So woman’s working policy implies being nice and cunning, but never aggressive and pushy.

Women are so delicate and considerate. They feel people and very often know how to go round those plenty underwater reefs of male’s character, avoiding nervous and noisy scandals. She will never say or do a thing that can accidentally hurt someone; the exception is when she wants it to hurt. Women know even how to criticize a person with such charming a smile, so that a person will get the meaning of the words only later on.

The opinion that females can’t hold their tongues is wrong. Yes, they love chattering and gossiping, but always know what can be blabbed out, and what should be kept secret; they skillfully practice an art of never turning red at the sudden appearance of an object of gossips.

Females can be very successful, but they’re rarely boastful of their results. They don’t need anyone’s approval or admiration of their being so clever and professional – women are quiet assured in that without any other proofs.

A female never claims to leadership – she lets a man be a King. She’s gracious enough not to let him know who the prime-minister is. But that doesn’t mean she lies to a men all the time, she just conceals some secondary facts in order to save the balance. Women are sincere in everything they do. Even when she tells lies – and you can be sure it’s only for the better– she’s so sincere that she almost believes it herself.

Also women are much more faithful than men, they never cheat; but if they do – how can anyone blame them and tell a woman she was wrong? Women stays innocent and charming in her innocence till the very end. Lust, sins, and vices – a woman stays away from all these horrible things! Blame it all on men. In fact, mistakes are man’s privilege.

Who says that women are less proficient in exact sciences? Mathematics is too abstractive to interest a woman, but all females are professors in economics – they know how to count money, especially men’s. A female is always aware of man’s financial affairs. Women can even allow themselves being generous. A female is never out of money, because she always has a man to turn to.

So do you still think that men are more advantageous in this life? Remember a woman isn’t weak or incapable. She just is not fond of doing the work that should be done by men.

10. 12 top secrets of building relationships with women

While building relationships with women, men usually pass over in silence the question about peculiarities of their behavior. This is an omission that might hardly be excused. Understanding what a girl wants will help to avoid false prejudices and considerable amount of mistakes in communication with her.

Secret #1. Building relationships with a woman, you need to get used that a stream of her thoughts never sticks to a straight line. While narrating, woman keeps to the point in the very beginning, and then she is sure to change the course. Arm yourself with patience and listen until the end of the story. You should never interrupt a girl, because she is trying to introduce the whole vivid picture of events. It is unlikely to be a lack of intelligence . on the contrary, woman is a master of narrative genre.

Secret #2. Women change their opinion easily. They are building relationships on trust, that.s why they possess a unique feature of discussing various problems with other people, before they come to the final decision. It seems somehow to be a sign of flippancy, although women are just guided by their common sense.

Secret #3. Women appreciate sensitivity. If you.d like to succeed in building relationships with a woman, show her your tears in all sincerity. Girls suppose that sensitivity is an expression of true feelings and sympathy.

Secret #4. It has never been a secret that all women are liable to shopping addiction. Buying new clothes, they are sure of acquiring necessary tools, which make them more attractive for their partners. Cultivating this addiction they will never be able to cope with, you will resolve one of the most important difficulties of relationships building.

Secret #5. Women feel guilty for being furious. Their anger is characterized as a succession of short outbursts. They try to deter aggression and feel uneasy when it comes out. Learn to forgive woman on the initial stage of building relationships, and she will apologize, even being convinced of the truth of her words.

Secret #6. Woman needs man.s support. Compliments would never be enough for a girl. Deep inside her soul, she becomes more self-confident, as you are declaring her appearance, abilities and beauty.

Secret #7. Every woman still is a little girl. She wishes she could be surrounded by your attention and be treated like a princess. Women would laugh and cry, demonstrating you their emotional cocktail. Appreciate their charm as an ability to be childish and wise at the same time.

Secret #8. Women are ambitious. They try to reach a longed-for aim, using all possible means and methods. Even building relationships, they follow closely the axiom that all is fair in love and in war.

Secret #9. Woman is usually the first to argue. She considers you should share your thoughts and feelings. She wants to know everything you.ve done and seen, and what you.re planning to do and to see. Otherwise, your girl feels sad. Attitude means, not words; bilateral exchange of information in building relationships process means twice as much for women.

Secret #10. Women consider flirt to be an evidence of man.s interest, a prelude, a first step to relationship development. If a girl happened to like someone, whose serious intentions are under doubt, he would definitely get the sack from her. No one would like to be a plaything in someone.s strange hands. Look before you leap when you start building relationships, but having leapt never look back.

Secret #11. Women are really good at driving. According to the latest researches made, women usually get men ahead in passing driving tests; women break the rules of the road and pay fines rarely. So one would better stop joking about female drivers with the tongue in his cheek.

Secret #12. Have you ever noticed that women remember all the details of any event, especially while arguing over the problem of building relationships? Actually, they keep in mind every face, every gesture, every word and every deed for a long time, so that men should put up with their complete failure in the issue.

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