Women - Advice And Secrets About How A Woman Thinks

What do women want?

Most women want to hear or feel that they're needed. It's usually better when you actually mean it. Well, most women are naturally more emotional (make decisions on feelings instead of mathematical logic) and usually choose to be passive before being aggressive.

* Year 2007 updates:
How do You understand a women? Just know that they are exactly the opposite of men. As you can imagine there is a lot to a woman and I think I wrote a lot about them below.

Women have a natural desire to stay around men who make them feel protected or secure. Yes, this is a natural instinct. Well, they also want to know that you are secure or confident to prove that you can protect them incase of danger (its all about their nature mother instincts that makes them seek someone who would be a better father to any potential children she might have in the future).

How do you know if a women wants you (in her life)?

Most women show that they're physically attracted to you through affection and wanting to communicate to you. Men show they're physical attracted to you by being competitive or showing their strength (usually physically but sometimes intellectually). Of course everyone is different and special in their own ways but we cant ignore the fact that we are animals. Women are usually much more indecisive then men because they are social creatures and they want to know what people around them think before they make any decisions that might cause create problems. Men are ready to make quick decisions even if those decisions cause discomfort (a women can usually solve the problems caused by the quick decisions). Its just the way that the universe works best.

Why is it that women don't like nice guys?

Well, Its not that women don't like nice guys... its just that they are naturally attracted to someone who they sub-consciously deem to be the "strongest" man around. Women want to find a man that could protect them from any possible danger and even though nice guys treat them better tough guys are more likely to keep them safe. Women have a deep unconscious desire to keep their future children safe from danger and tough men usually make the quick decisions that must be made in emergency situations.

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