Why Women Hate Men

It’s too common that men get blamed for all of the emotional and mechanical errors when it comes to women. Can you blame them? Of all the horrendous and nightmarish memories we’ve scarred them with for years and years? Of all the heartaches, pains and the way we trashed our women from today and yesterday, can you be upset at them? It’s harder being on the outside looking in, isn’t it?

More common than we believe, women are more so misjudged and wrongfully accused of characteristics they have no affiliation with: If she gives her number too fast she’s probably a slut, if she doesn’t give her phone number she’s a stuck up bitch, if she doesn’t want to have sex she’s faking, if she doesn’t want to go out after the first date she’s a gold digger, if she enjoys hanging around the house on most nights she’s a goodie-two-shoes and if she’s busy she’s a liar; pick your poison. Most men if not all have said these things at a time or two in their lives. It’s not a natural phase, just a misunderstanding of something many men haven’t taken the time to learn about.

If she tries to speak, she’s talking too much. When she tries to express her feelings, she’s blowing it out of proportion. If she doesn’t want to talk about it she’s holding out, when she says she needs some space, she’s seeing another man. If she has classes in the morning, she doesn’t have time for me anymore. More poison to choose? No wonder why so many women hate our men’s guts.

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