Why He Is Not Giving A Marriage Proposal

He keeps saying you are the right woman for him but two years down the line there is no marriage proposal. You keep wondering why he has not popped the question, yet each time you threaten to leave he pleads and begs you not to go. Your patience is running out and you would like to know why he is not proposing. There could be several reasons as to why he is not doing so. Men are interesting creatures and just like women there are some men who fear commitments. You could argue that the two of you are in a committed relationship but fact is they view getting married as more commitment than having a girlfriend. To them, marriage is about accounting to every little thing they do to you for are a part of them.

The man could not be making a marriage proposal because he is not yet prepared in terms of finances to enter into a marriage institution. Marriage involves a lot of things that if a man is not yet financially stable he will not propose. Recently I overheard a conversation between a son and a mother, the son was telling his mother that he was too busy the previous day that he could not find time to eat. The mother then told him to find himself a wife and the answer that came out actually amused me. He told his mother he was not ready to have a wife because he was not yet ready financially. Even if you think you are going to chip in financially and help your mate in the running of the household, your boyfriend could be thinking he has to have enough to take care of you and later the children. If he does not, the proposal will not becoming very soon.

If the two of you are of the same age, most probably you are thinking of getting married while he is still thinking of having a little fun before he finally settles down. He still has so many years while your biological clock is already giving you some warnings that if you do not get yourself a baby now you might just as well adopt or have a surrogate mother do it for you. A man would still be fertile in his old age and have a baby of his own. Maybe it is time you did yourself a favor and left him because most probably a marriage proposal may not be forth coming unless you talked about it.

You might not be getting a marriage proposal because he is scared of rejection. No matter how sure he is about you, he could be scared that if he popped the question you might say no. You should try to find out from him in a tactful way what is going on. Men do not also want to worry about the day they will be walking down the aisle. This day has got a lot of preparations and a lot of things to do that they would rather not. If this is what is worrying your man, a proposal might never come from his end, you should do him a favor and propose to him yourself and tell him you will take care of everything else.

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