What Women Want From Men!

"What Women Want From Men!"

Survey taken and Written by Gail Arias

This is a survey taken from 500 women ages 25 through 45 years old, single and married. When a woman knows the pleasure of dancing in the arms of a man, it is next to impossible to settle for anything less, unless he has some incredibly exciting career in which they can experience unlimited financial freedom together or he is unbelievable in bed or both! Yes, it is true in the order of importance according to our survey. Dance, Financial Success then Sex. Of all the women surveyed not one said she did not enjoy dancing in the arms of a man. To top it off, if he knew how to dance really well then sex was the best she had ever experienced! All women agreed sex is best when both man and woman are in love! In fact 90% of the women said they could tell what kind of a lover a man would be by the way he danced with her and they could tell his level of sincerity towards her by observing the way he danced with other women. Either he is a player, shy, inhibited or uninhibited, aggressive or passive. Women love a man who has a certain level of refinement. A man who is masculine but who also enjoys the arts as well. A man who is interested in becoming more than just his job. Seeking more out of life than just eat, sleep and work. Music and dancing touches women in a very profound and unique way. It "Stirs the Soul" and can enable her to let the every day problems of life seem less significant and help unlock the playful and sensuous side of one's personality. What could be better than sharing that with a special man! Women said that the old dinner and a movie routine for a date has become so boring. First of all standing in line on a Friday night with hundreds of strangers is not real fun after a long day at work or after driving the kids to and from school and soccer practice. Eating high calorie junk food and sitting for 1 1/2 hours in a dark theater without conversation is of course not helping the figure any and not what most women want to do on a date unless they are UNDER 20 years old and have nothing to talk about. Women do like to get dressed up and looking their best when out on a date. Women love to be complimented by their date and on their appearance. After all, there is always something nice a man can say that is complimentary about a woman at any age. The ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE is dancing with a man and being romanced in a sincere way, getting to know that man on and off the dance floor and being courted where the sexual pressure is off! Eventually revealing deeper feelings for one another and it is MUTUAL and then becoming intimate! This is the ULTIMATE DANCE DREAM come true! A smart man learns how to dance because he knows that is where all the women are, out dancing! A lucky man meets a fabulous woman while out dancing who loves him and admires him. A smart and lucky man recognizes a good woman when he finds her and continues to nourish the relationship with dance and romance!


(On and off the dance floor)

1. Good Leader on the dance floor who stays on the music.
2. Neat, clean appearance and well groomed.
3. Confident, self assured. Direct eye contact.
4. Stable career, financial security.
5. Sense of humor, quick witted, intelligent.
6. Well mannered i.e.; opens the door, introduces you to his friends, good table manners etc.
7. Physically fit, keeping weight under control.
8. Interested in what you have to say, a good listener.
9. Good in bed.
10.Nice looking.

Of all the women surveyed, all enjoyed compliments on their appearance, dancing ability, intelligence and cooking abilities. Of course only if they do know how to cook. Women also said they knew if a man was giving insincere flattery, it is like a sixth sense women have. So men beware, only sincere flattery please!


1. Men who can't lead and blame it on the woman. 2. Bad breath or body odor. 3. Cheap cologne. 4. Cocky attitude, think they are "God's gift" to women. 5. Lewd conduct on and off the dance floor. 6. Men who wear clothing that went out of style 10-20 years ago. 7. Cheap toupees. Invest in an expensive one or just go au' natural. 8. Smokers and heavy drinkers. 9. Unemployed loser types. They can dance but don't have a job, house, or money. 10. Dumb Guys.

95 % of the women said they would put up with all the negative qualities (with exception to numbers 2, 5, and 8) if the man was a very good dancer.


If men only knew what a powerful aphrodisiac dancing is for women, every man in the world would learn how. Up until now it has been the best kept secret on the dating scene. Try it and see for yourself.

Where do I start? How do I learn how to Dance?

1. Look in your local Yellow Pages under Dance Instruction. Swing, Ballroom, Country or Latin, Or just click on TOP DANCE INSTRUCTORS on this web site!

2. Subscribe to a Dance Magazine ie; Swing, Latin, Country, Ballroom.

3. Ask around, word of mouth is the best! You would be surprised how many people you know take Partner Dance Lessons.

4. Choose a program that is Fun and Supportive with a qualified instructor who has an excellent reputation, experience and will allow you to observe a group lesson!

What Men want from Women :

Written by: Gail Arias

The following results were taken from a survey of 500 men ages 25 through 45 years old.
99% of the men interviewed took up dancing so they could meet women. Not for the art of dance itself or the love of music alone but solely for the purpose of meeting women to date and have a romance with. Some of these men who in every day life might be considered ineligible, below average in appearance, or just to put it bluntly a "Nerd" actually found women STANDING IN LINE to dance with them. These men had put forth the extra effort to learn how to dance above average or really well. The women standing in line were not all nerds themselves but some model types who could have any "Tom Cruise" type of guy they wanted. Most of the men interviewed are still astounded at the aphrodisiac quality dancing has on women. Now let me clarify something, not all the women are model types but remember, from a man's point of view, when you go from zero dates to dancing with 50 or more women in one night, things are looking good, if you know what I mean. Even if you are a Nerd or just average looking or even prematurely bald or overweight, these women who love to partner dance don't care about all that, they just want a man who can lead them into dance steps.
Men know Women love to West Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, East Coast Swing, Hustle, Salsa and Night Club Two Step the Best. So men flock to these classes even though they themselves may prefer a simple Country Western Two-Step. But all the "Head Turners" who like to dress up enjoy Swing, Salsa and even some Hustle Dancing. Why? The music and clothing primarily and of course the popularity right now!
BOTTOM LINE: Men are looking for physical contact, a sexual encounter, or a committed relationship. And if they have to learn to dance to increase their chances, they WILL learn to dance.
Once a man learns how to dance he discovers a whole new world. He quickly notices that there are usually two women who know how to dance for every one man at any dance party or night club. That is the good news. He also discovers that not all women are interested in having sex with you even if you have been holding her in your arms all night on the dance floor. Oh well, I never said it was perfect.

TEN Qualities Men Look for in a Woman!

(on and off the dance floor)

1. Attractive, neat and clean appearance. 2. Great personality, friendly and outgoing. 3. Happy with her career or job 4. Healthy. Not too thin or too heavy! 5. Intelligent 6. Likes to dance but has a life off the dance floor as well 7. Affectionate and attentive 8. Even tempered. 9. Likes sports or will be O.K. with you liking sports. 10.Good sense of humor Ten Qualities Men Do Not Like In Women: 1. Bad breath or body odor
2. Cold and unaffectionate disposition.
3. Messy appearance or greatly overweight (50 pounds or more) or underweight (10 lbs or more)
4. Unemployed
5. Too much make-up.
6. Foul language, loud and abrasive voice.
7. Hypochondriac personality
8. Women who are critical about the way a man leads or dances.
9. Air Head type. Bad conversationalist.

An Overwhelming 90% of the men surveyed said they found it easy to feel closer to a woman who was a good listener and appeared interested in what they had to say. Men also enjoyed being complimented about their dance ability, intelligence and appearance.

Most men like a woman who flirts on and off the dance floor (with him of course) but did not like a woman who falsely led them on by flirting only on the dance floor and then ignoring them the rest of the time.

60% of the men interviewed did not like Wonder Bras or stuffed bras. They prefer a woman be herself. Size did not matter.

75% did not like long extension nails that got in the way of dancing and other close encounters.

80% enjoyed being a more advanced dancer than their partner, they also enjoyed helping their partner learn to dance by taking lessons and workshops together.

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