What Women Are Saying* About Marriagegym

"Words can't describe how significantly different our relationship is now"

The most valuable thing I learnt was to put aside any assumptions and give the MarriageGym keys a real go. Some of the keys that have been harder to do are the ones that have been most successful. Even when I have done some of the keys half-heartedly, the results have been exceptional. I really think that this guide will be something I will refer to for the rest of my life. I started the MarriageGym course as a last ditch effort because I didn't want to separate from my husband and I am grateful for the development of this course because our relationship has changed so much because of what I learnt.

I was really sceptical that one person in a relationship could make it change so much. I now proudly stand and say that I have been corrected. Words can't describe how significantly different our relationship is. I believe that God does work in mysterious ways because I prayed and said that I wanted things to be different and then typed "marriage tips" into my internet server and came across this course. I decided to do the course because as it said 'what price would you pay for a good relationship'? This has been worth every cent and then some. I hope that you continue to help women everywhere. Thank you.”

Tracey D. 24 - married 4 years

"My husband's done a 180 and now he's talking of reconciliation"

My husband and I (had) been separated since March, and I thought I had completely given up. He was so angry, distant and unkind, I thought I'd seen the last of the man I married. Then I saw your program on line. What I liked about it was that I had been feeling so powerless, and MarriageGym made me feel as if I had the power to effect change in my own life and possibly our marital life as well. We play in a touring blues band together and it's absolutely critical that (we are) on at least civil terms with one another. I figured, worst-case scenario, I'd come out of it with my head on straighter and be more equipped to be his friend. Well, it's been the hardest time I've ever been through in my life, but MarriageGym has really helped to ease my stress and to stop overreacting to his behavior. And although the matter is far from settled, several days ago HE did a bit of a 180 in HIS behavior. All of a sudden the coldness has diminished, the little gestures of chivalry are back, and he's actually alluded to the possibility of a reconciliation. thankyou from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done, and I look forward to completing the MarriageGym program. You can rest assured that I will recommend it to my friends, even those who aren't having trouble. Thanks again - Laura.

Laura D. 43 - married 11 years

"My marriage completely changed the day I learnt about the 5 Love Languages"

I had accidentally found out that my husband was secretly contacting another woman and although nothing physical had taken place it was definitely going in that direction. I felt so hurt and betrayed. That was my wake up call. I remember feeling completely helpless and I had no idea what I should do. I prayed to God for guidance. That same day I was online and I just typed in marriage counseling and I found (MarriageGym). My marriage has completely changed since that day. It is better now than I had even hoped for. I found out that my husband did not feel loved and I didn't even know it! I was doing all the things that I thought showed him how much I loved him. But they were the wrong things. We were speaking different languages! How empowering this has been! I am truly grateful to you. I thank God every day for leading me to you. God Bless!

Cindy F. 38 - married 3 years

"I let go of my pain forever"

A friend encouraged me to do Marriage Gym 4 years ago, and I honestly have been a different person for it. I learned so many new keys in understanding both myself and my husband. I was able to let go of all my built up hurt and pain, releasing it forever. The love languages helped me understand my needs and why I act the way I do. It also helped me to respect my husband's needs both emotionally and physically. We now have a deeper understanding of each other, and enjoy each others company better than ever. Thank you Marriage Gym for impacting my little world in a big way.

Alison S. 38 - married 11 years

... and her husband says>>

"I ended my affair...and my husband and I are happy again!"

Things definitely weren’t good. My partner and I fought a lot and to make matters worse I’d begun an affair with my ex boyfriend. When my partner found out about my affair, he was very upset. After much yelling, tears and soul searching we decided that we wanted to stay together and re-build our relationship. I ended the affair and promised to earn back his trust somehow. I decided to do this program again (I'd already tried once before while still in my affair) and this time commit to fully implementing the keys. Almost immediately I noticed our relationship getting back on track and growing stronger every day. Before long we had decided to get married. By the end of the program I felt our relationship was blossoming and I’d definitely made the right decision to stick with my husband. Life is good for us now. We’re very happy together and I can’t thank the course enough. I don’t use the keys every day but I do try to – as I believe they really are the keys to a happy and successful marriage.

Susannah V. 26 - together 7? years

Read the full story>>

"I thought I'd made a terrible mistake"

We’ve been married for just over 3 years; I’d started to wonder if we were compatible at all and thought I’d made a terrible mistake. The course taught me about the differences between men and women and how to use those differences rather than react against them. It helped me to refocus and recommit to our marriage – and now it’s better than ever!

Jennifer, 25 - married 3 years

"I knew I had to do this program"

When I got engaged, I decided I wanted to start my marriage off with the best possible start I could. I wanted my marriage to be strong and to last. So when I heard about the course I knew I had to do it! Through the course I learnt that there was a lot that I could do to make my marriage work, that it wasn’t just going to happen by itself. Now that I’ve been married 3 ? years – the key that has stuck most in my mind is giving him space when he comes home and to really listen to what he’s saying and to mirror back to him if I’m not sure or am unclear about anything. I strongly recommend this course to anyone in a committed relationship.

Orien W. 24 - married 3? years

"My husband tells all his mates..."

My husband tells all his mates that this course should be compulsory for all women! He’s happier and so am I – we both win!

Wilma, 63 - married 45 years

"I was really skeptical at first"

When I first learnt about the keys, I was really skeptical. At the time my marriage was really good, and I didn’t think I needed to work on it. You’ve no idea what it meant to me to hear how the keys had made such dramatic difference in other women’s marriages. But as I worked through the program I found it so encouraging to hear other women’s stories and to realise that I wasn’t alone. The love languages really blew me away – I’ve learnt to put into practice so many of the things I learnt and even though they’re just simple things they’ve made such a difference. I find now that if we’re having a bad week I turn to my workbook – just reviewing the notes helps to remind me that I’m not alone. I love sitting down with the “praiseworthy points” and reading all my man’s good points, it reminds me why I love him and helps me focus on the good in our marriage. All women should hold on to what they have, remember your first love and be strong, this course is a great way to do it.

Jane W. 39 - married 17? years

"My marriage was over!"

Our marriage was over, the MarriageGym keys helped me to restore it. I never realized that I had the keys to a happy marriage all along. I love him more today than I ever have!

June A. 47 - married 15 years

"I feel more loved than I have in ages!"

Before I started the program I was miserable in my marriage. I was so critical of my husband and everything he did. He didn’t want to come anywhere near me or pay me any attention – which only made me more miserable. I hated being miserable all the time. Learning the keys made me realise that it was me who needed to change. As I began to apply the keys it had a huge impact on our relationship. I learnt to accept my husband for who he is and found ways to praise the good things about him instead of always looking for his faults. Learning that we communicate love in different ways was huge for me. Things are so much better now – he wants to spend time with me and I feel more loved than I have in ages!

Marlene S. - married 18 years

"I've now got a much healthier approach to conflict"

Our marriage was a constant battle of wills. I was always challenging him and trying to change the way he did things. This was stressing me out and pushing him away. The thing that made the biggest difference for me was understanding that it’s up to me to accept him as he is and to feed him praise, rather than criticism. I realised that it was the attitude of my heart that was causing our problems. Our relationship has improved so much as I now understand that it’s not my job to teach him and it is my job to support him. I’ve also now got a much healthier approach to conflict – which has taken a lot of the stress out of our relationship. It’s now so much more enjoyable for both of us.

Cindy B. - married 6 years

"I'm determined not to fall again"

This is my second marriage. After completing this program I realized all the mistakes I made the first time around. I’m determined not to fall into the same traps again!

Briony, 32 - married 6 months

"I'm surprised at how much better it's got"

We’ve been married 20 years and have a fairly happy marriage, but I’ve been surprised at how much better it has become just by using the MarriageGym keys!

Grace V. 44 - married 20 years

"We were going nowhere...now we're so much more secure"

We’ve been living together for 5 years and our relationship seemed to be going nowhere. This course has given me the skills I needed to build a committed partnership. We’ve finally set a date for our wedding and we both feel so much more secure in our love and commitment to each other.

Tracey, 38 - lived together 5 years

"I could've done a lot to save my first marriage"

It was my first husband’s choice to leave our marriage that had been happy for many years. I couldn’t understand it and nor could he. If I had known the MarriageGym keys back then I could have done a lot to save our marriage. I am grateful that I was introduced to the program early on in my second marriage. The course has given me new keys to making a great success of my marriage. At the time I thought “why should I make the effort or make the changes” but I now know that the keys can help me to make a difference in my relationship. I know that I have a daily choice to only let my mind go where I choose to let it go. If I dwell on something that has upset me I can stay with an upset attitude for as long as I choose. When I choose to use the keys taught to me, such as understanding our differences because of our temperaments and personality types, I can work with the situation much better. I have learnt that in being more gracious it can bring a wonderful unity and it encourages my man to be who and how I love him to be.

Pamela S. 50+ - married 4 years

"It's given me a great start"

Anyone who is thinking about getting married should do this course. It’s given me a great start to married life and a good understanding of what to expect.

Alicia, 20 - engaged

"I found amazing keys in this course"

I had a wonderful marriage prior to doing the course and my husband was my knight in shining armour. So I wanted to do the course to make sure that things stayed that way, particularly when juggling young children. I found amazing keys in the course that equipped me to easily evaluate if there was a hiccup in our marriage and then how to effectively deal with it before it gets further. Learning my husband’s love language has been so instrumental in making him feel loved and valued, so he’s free to just love me back! Our relationship now has a solid foundation not only because of our commitment to one another already, but also because we now have tools up our sleeve, ready an able to patch any holes that may come our way. So my knight in shining armour still shines, and I his queen, still get fed grapes on my throne!

Victoria P. 31 - married 9 years

"We had already separated...Now we're back together and best friends"

Before I did the program, my husband and I had separated. A friend suggested I do the course and I figured that I had nothing to loose so I signed up. Little did I know how much I would gain. I learned skills and new ways to view the issues we had and as I started to practise these keys I felt more able to see things from his point of view. I am very grateful that I did the course as we are together again, and he is not only my husband, he is also my best friend. In fact 10 years after I first did the course he has encouraged and supported me and I have now joined the team to pass the precious gems taught in this course on to other women.

Catherine B. 60 - married 14 years

To my amazement, something good became even better"

We had been married 42 years when I did the course to support a relation. I thought we were happily married, still very much in love and had survived quite a few knockout punches from life. However the straight forward commonsense of the program and the gentle way it is presented led me to try some of the keys in our already perfect relationship. I found to my amazement that something good became better than ever. The MarriageGym keys really work and the more I worked at it the better it became for me and for my husband too.

Gwenyth B. - married 42 years

... and her husband says>>

"People need to know these keys... Desperately!"

When I was first introduced to the keys my husband and I had only just got back together again after separating. Our relationship was very tense and we weren’t doing much talking. I knew that I needed some help or things would just be the same again. At first I didn’t respond well to the keys because I thought “oh yeah, I have to do all the changing and work!” but I’d tried everything else and nothing had worked. Then when I tried the keys I got great responses and we’re still together after 16 years. The course had a huge impact on my marriage. It not only gave me an understanding of my man but also my son and father. It allowed me to develop as a person because I could stop worrying about my marriage. I hope word of this program really spreads because people need to know these keys desperately!

Kerryn D, 36 - married 16 years

"My husband wanted out... this program was relationship saving!"

I first heard about this program from a friend who was doing it. I was feeling desperate as my husband had just told me he wanted out of our marriage. We weren’t talking and I felt there was no hope. I was frustrated and alone. I was open to anything that would help. We’d been together 28 years. I found the keys very enlightening. It was rewarding and eye opening, it gave me a chance to stand back and see where we were going wrong. It was relationship saving! By changing my attitude it produced a change in him. It made me aware of why we were acting the way we were. Our communication skills improved tremendously because I learnt how to approach him without hurting his pride. Learning how to accept and admire him had a great impact on me personally. It gave me a lot of hope for our future. We already had the foundations of a good marriage and now I can see that it is worth building on.

Melanie G, 44 - married 24 years

"It showed me that I really need to work on our marriage"

Our relationship was fairly good when I started the course. It just highlighted to me where our priorities were out of whack and it also showed me that I really need to work on our marriage for it to be the best it can be. I’d been really challenged about my feelings of “just being a housewife and mum”, but by the time I finished the course I was comfortable with who I am and the importance of my role. Our communication is so much better now and we are more inclined to discuss our expectations of each other, we also seem to laugh a lot more these days! It also taught me that I am the key to having a great marriage.

Jaqueline T, 27 - married 8 years

"My marriage was very unstable... But I now have the keys"

Our marriage was in trouble when I first heard about the program. We weren’t getting on well at all. There was no communication – we just lived in the same house. Our situation was very unstable and it wouldn’t have taken much for us to separate. I was really down and sad because I never thought that I would be in the situation where my marriage was in so much trouble. Since I learnt the keys it’s only been positive. It’s given me the confidence to know that I have the keys to improve our marriage – I just have to choose to use them. I’m more tolerant and compassionate and understanding of his problems. And because I’m more willing to listen he comes to me more with his problems. It’s made me more aware of what I say and how I say it and not only to my husband but also my son. The course gave me so much more than I ever expected or thought possible.

Sandra B. 32- married 10 years

"It taught me how to communicate"

We’d always had a bit of a communication "struggle". I was controlling and not very accepting of his ways and differences. Pretty much what the course did teach me was how to communicate and get the best out of our marriage. I’ve learnt to accept him, that he’s not wrong – just different … and to "zip it!"

Beverley Y. 38 - married 4 years

"I didn’t realise such simple skills could change a relationship"

You could describe our marriage as very average when I heard about this course through a girlfriend. Our relationship definitely wasn’t where I wanted it to be. Now I understand him so much more and we get along so much better. I realised that I was taking him for granted. I realised that I needed to accept him the way he is and stop expecting him to be someone he’s not. It was amazing to learn and realise that the keys actually work! I didn’t realise such simple skills could change a relationship.

Emily F. 46 - married 18 years

"I wanted this marriage to be for life"

My husband and I had been married for less than a year when I started the program. This is the second marriage for both of us and we are determined to make this one a lifer. Before we met, Iain had done a similar course for men and so he was keen to see me do this course as soon as possible. I enjoyed learning the content and the exercises were crucial and relevant - Iain appreciated the exercises! Still being in our "honeymoon" year, we hadn't hit too many snags yet, but we learned principles so that it can stay that way in the future. We have both seen how a marriage could easily go sour just by living life and we both want to put up the safety nets so that this marriage makes it.

Rhonda G. 37 - married 2 years

"I learnt the power of praise... and my husband loves it"

I first did the program out of curiosity; I felt we had a very good marriage. It’s had a positive impact on my marriage. It made me understand my role as a wife in a way that I’d never really thought about before. I learnt a lot about myself, why I did things a certain way, how I could change and improve myself. I also realised that I really never praised my husband personally. I told other people how clever or wonderful I thought he was, but not him. I didn’t find it easy to do, but for me it was the most significant key. I now make the most of every opportunity to praise and admire him. And he loves it!

Narelle R, 35 - married 10 years

"I thought there was no hope... but now I have fresh hope and practical things I can do"

Our marriage was so bad when I started this program, it was more or less over. There was no communication, nothing physical. We were living separately in the one house. We both just wanted to be there for the kids. The keys helped me to relate better. Now I am emotionally more stable, the course made me realise that there is a solution to every problem before I thought it was a dead end with no solutions. It helped to realise that I do have choices and it reassured me that I did have a right to my opinion and taught me how to express my opinion. I was inspired to try the keys because before I thought there was no hope, but this gave me fresh hope and practical things that I could do. Now I find I don’t react out of anger so quickly and constantly blame him for everything. I’m more accepting of who he is and who I am too. I’ve still got a way to go but at least now I have practical things that I can see make a difference when I choose to do them.

Wendy V. 31 - married 10 years

"I take things less personally now"

The course taught me about MALES! What they’re like, how they are different to us. I’ve learned to really respect my husband and learned that I’m not the only woman out there suffering (at times!). The most valuable thing was really understanding that they ARE different to us, they think differently, they do things differently. Sometimes they forget what you tell them, not because what you say isn’t important – just because they think differently! I can cope much better with things now. I take them less personally. He reckons I’m "much better"!!!

Felicity S. 33 - married 7 years

"We've moved to a new level in our relationship"

I was tired of going around in circles. When I was arguing with my husband I would ask my friends for advice, which although I felt their answers were justified I knew it wasn't helping my relationship. When I did the course, it helped me to understand that my husband wasn't as insensitive as I thought. He just thought and reacted differently to me. My husband and I haved moved to a new level in our relationship where we can communicate about the "real" issues now instead of going around in circles just trying to be "right".

Christine S. 39

"It made it easier to connect in meaningful ways"

My husband is my best friend. When we met and got married we had shared interests, goals and a desire to know each other in an intimate and personal way. In the busyness of life however, I started to feel like we were running a business – sorting out kids issues, organising schedules, social lives, work and general family responsibilities, not leaving a lot of time or energy to nurture our relationship.

When I did the program, one of the keys was on "love languages" and used the term "love tank". I discovered what my love language and my husband's was, so this made it easier to connect in a way that was meaningful to each other. Now when we are busy, tired or overwhelmed with life’s pressures, we ask each other “How is your love tank going?” That way we can let each other know we care about each other and desire to meet each other’s needs. We like the term “love tank” because it’s a practical, non threatening way of saying “are you feeling loved”. Life still gets busy and it’s good to know we can use this as a gauge to see how we are going. This is only one of the keys that I learnt – I found them all to be really helpful.

Carmel R.

"Applying the keys has made our relationship warmer and calmer"

Our marriage was okay but it used to be great for many years. So I wanted to change the bad habits we’d got into. The course reminded me of my husband’s good points and made me appreciate him so much more. Now I’m more accepting of him and have stopped trying to change him. Applying the keys has made our relationship warmer and calmer.

Sheryl C. 42 - married 23 years

*Due to the sensitive nature of this program, some of these names have been changed to protect the writer's privacy.

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