What We Love About Men

Men have some endearing, if not downright loveable, qualities.

by April L. Estes

In this age of male bashing and battling sexes, we rarely hear anything positive about men. However infuriating we claim they can be at times, we have to admit—men have some endearing, if not downright loveable, qualities.

Macho Attitude (or the reason they're the house pest control). We complain when men strut around and brag about various accomplished feats. But it's that same macho attitude that dictates they are the designated bug killers in the house.

Good 'Nuff Attitude Despite the times I point out my husband's untucked shirt or dirty nails, it's reassuring to know if I forget the vacuuming, my best friend might notice, but my husband won't. The day I was in labor with our daughter, I vowed I wasn't going to the hospital until my house was clean! So my husband began vacuuming the rug. When my contractions were three and a half minutes apart, he said, "That's good enough!" We drove to the hospital.

Muscles (need I say more)?

Math Skills Since I married a chemical engineer, I've found shopping is a lot easier. My husband likes to think I ask him to shop with me for his companionship. While that's an added bonus, it's really his math ability I need. Show him the price of two items and he can tell me the better value faster than I can whip out my calculator!

Logical Natures (why men sometimes lack fashion sense or style). Why can a mother always tell when a father has dressed the children?Could it be the corduroy pants in July? To men, clothes are clothes! (For more on this phenomenon, see #2 Good 'Nuff Attitude.)

Their Passions (not that fishing/hunting/ NASCAR/paintball/motorcycle again). Men normally have an all-consuming hobby that seems to take them away just as it's time to clean the house. Let's face it—these hobbies also provide us with some much-needed "alone time" for ourselves once in a while!

Frail Natures (watch out for his ego). Sometimes we have to walk on eggshells. But there are those rare times when men let down their guard and we get a quick glimpse of the little boy inside. During those moments we're reminded how much they still truly need us.

Ability to Focus (why dads can't watch the baby, fix dinner and check homework all at once). Since having children, my husband and I know where each other excels in our differing abilities. But I'm still envious of the way men seem to catch every word of their favorite show, despite the yelling toddler, crying baby, beeping oven and ringing telephone.

Making a Woman Feel Like a Woman Only a husband in his specifically manly way can make a wife forget about her cellulite legs and wrinkles and feel like the most beautiful, desirable woman on earth. With a look, a wink, a touch, they somehow make our "to do" list fade away into oblivion. How do they do that?!

Fun Spirits (if it weren't for men's fun antics, life would be pretty mundane). Perhaps that's why my kids scream for Daddy when he comes home. Hurray! The party's finally here!

Let's face it: We love men for simply being men. We love the way they don't know the difference between fuchsia and purple. We love the way they can live off the land for a week with only a cup, duct tape and a Swiss Army knife. And we love men for making women feel like women. Three cheers for men and all they mean to us!

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