Ways Of Seduction

Seduction is a splendor game and it’s not difficult to play this game. What you really need in this game is lots of confidence and some tips on social psychology. By ways of conformity and persuasion, you can influence and seduce the person in front of you. It doesn’t matter whether you know the person or not.

Walk into a bar or a lounge and start a conversation with the person that you are attracted to. This will require a lot of confidence. Confidence has nothing to do with height, stature or looks. It’s an inherent power lying inside of you. If you think that you can do it then it will show. This comes out in your inherent personal communication skills.

The art of seduction lies within a person. You should make use the powers of persuasion. This means that you need to know what turns a person on and what turns a person off. When you know what motivates a person to be drawn towards you, use your persuasive skills to draw the person closer to you. The seduction has to be the first step in the foreplay. Many of the old texts talk about sex and how to go about the various positions. However, seduction is more than just sex. It is what sets your partner on fire and make her want to have you more than any thing else that she desires.

You should get to know her psychologically. Use your powers of persuasion to get what you want rather than manipulating of her thought. You can try thinking the things which she may have in her mind. Usually all women will give subtle or even direct hints. Catch those hints and influence her thinking. Within the first few minutes, you can have her eating out of your palms.

Women like men to be in control and feel wanted. This is the reason that even now, some of the smartest and the most beautiful women are not seen alongside the more rich and famous. Some of these rich and famous people don’t have time for these gorgeous women, and these women then seek solace elsewhere. Who doesn’t know of Diana, the late princess? If you really want to attract the Diana’s of the world, then you have to listen to them and pay them attention.

Do not say things that the women would expect you to say. In stead, you should say some of the things that are least likely to be said so that there is always a surprise element in your conversation. Use social psychology to understand how she would react to you. Humans have an inherent ability to interact and react to another person. Since you are different and you make her feel wanted, she would be happy to be seduced by you. All women are looking for relationships where they want to feel loved, cared and protected for. If you can provide this semblance through your communication skills, then you have got what you are looking for.

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