Ukrainian Women Names. Things That You Should Know

All men know how beautiful ukrainian women are and almost all men dream to meet such a woman and to stay with her forever. If you also have a desire to find Ukrainian women there are some things that you should know about ukrainian women names:

1.Ukrainian girl names are completely different from names that women have in other countries. These names are comparably long and difficult for spelling and pronouncing though they are very beautiful.

2.Ukrainian women names are rather unique and very interesting.

3.Each Ukrainian name has its history and its meaning. A woman usually learns the history of a certain name before giving it to her child. For example a name Galina or Galya is of Greek origin and it means clearness, silence and calm. If a woman wants her child to posses these features she will call her Galya.

4.With the help of different affixes ukrainian women names can be changed from formal to colloquial style, and pet names. For example:

Olesya- formal form
Lesya – colloquial form
Lesechka – hypocoristic form

5.Some ukrainian women names are feminine variants of some men names, for example Sasha, Jenya, Pasha and some others names can be applied to women and to men as well.

6.Some time ago when communist consciousness prevailed in Ukraine as well as in other soviet republics it was popular to give the names of the communist leaders and some communist symbols for example: Lenina, Oktyabrina, Noyabrina etc. Nowadays these names have almost disappeared.

7.Nowadays it became popular to take foreign names. For example Diana, Margarita, etc

8.Some ukrainian women names have their equivalents in foreign languages but not all of them, for example

Katya or Kateryna-Kate (English) – Katherine (French)
Yulia –Julia (English) –Julie (French)

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