Types Of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has the object of giving shape to the body and rebuilding function. It is derived from the Greek word ‘plastikos’. Like other surgical procedures, it is not restricted to one body part or organ system. Plastic surgery reforms, repairs and exchanges physical deficiencies such as facial structures, breast, skin and soft tissue, peripheral nerves, head and neck, trunk and extremities and hand.

Plastic surgery is generally executed to remove skin blemishes like acne scars, warts or birthmarks and to treat birth deficiencies. So, cosmetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery means a diversity of procedures executed in order to restore or repair the parts of body to appear normal or to alter a part of the body to look better.

Types of Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery is of two types and they are:-

Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is executed to reform typical constructions of the body in order to develop the self esteem and appearance of the patient. Most of the cosmetic surgery is performed on the face. It is projected either to enhance the features of the patients or to approve deformities. The most usual cosmetic procedure recommended for children is alteration of a palate or cleft lip.

The best cosmetic procedures suggested for adults are facelifts, rhinoplasty, mammoplasty and elimination of loose skin around the eyelids. Cosmetic surgery procedures are not only pursued by women but it is pursued by a large number of men such as eyelid surgery, facelifts, tummy tucks and hair transplants. The most well recognized cosmetic surgery is the liposuction. Some of the types of cosmetic surgery undertaken by the patients are:-

• Facelift

• Chemical face peel
• Botox
• Cosmetic eyelid surgery
• Aesthetic nose surgery
• Breast reduction
• Forehead lift
• Hidroliposuction
• Aesthetic ear surgery
• Hair replacement
• Facial scar revision
• Endoscopy

• Facial implant

Reconstructive Surgery

This type of surgery is executed on the irregular structures of the body which are caused by developmental abnormalities, accidental and burn victims, congenital defects, tumors, trauma, infection or other diseases. It is usually performed to develop the normal appearance and function of the body. It also includes upgrading of rigorously skin grafting and fractured bones. It involves certain procedures such as inserting a prosthesis or reattachment of a separated toe or finger. Prostheses are the synthetic materials and structures that are used to exchange arthritic knee and hip joints or missing teeth or limbs. Some of the reconstructive surgeries are:-

• Breast reconstruction

• Palate or cleft lip surgery
• Sex reassignment surgery
• Contracture surgery

• Microsurgery

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