Top 12 Ways Out Of A Bad Mood

We’ve all been there: something annoying or frustrating happens and as a result we spend the rest of the day in a foul mood. And the additionally frustrating thing is, someone can often know they’re in a bad mood, but be unable to snap out of it.

However, you and others around you don’t have to put up with those moods; instead, you can do something about them. By following’s top 12 tips, you will be able to deal with your bad mindset in a number different ways – so if one doesn’t work, another one will!

Let it all out
If you are in a bad mood, then there’s obviously a reason for it. Pinpoint why you’re in a bad mood and, if you can, talk to a friend about it. Simply talking about your problem with someone will make you feel many times better. After all, what they say about ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ rings very true. But if you can’t talk to a friend, try going outside and letting out a mighty scream or having a good cry. Remember that bottling it all up will only darken your mood – so let it out!

Exercise is a great way to get you out of a bad mood. If you can make yourself do some exercise, you will reap the benefits. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in your brain that make you feel good – so by doing some exercise you will automatically make yourself feel better. A game of squash could be a good option, as you’ll be able to take your bad mood out on the ball. On the other hand, if you take your sport too seriously and are a bad loser, then a non-competitive form of exercise may be the best way to go.

Chocolate heaven
It’s amazing how many people instantly reach for their favourite chocolate bar for comfort if they are feeling low. It’s probably not a bad thing to do, though, as chocolate is known to be responsible for positive mood-lifting effects due to the release of serotonin, the brain’s natural pick-me-up. If you find that chocolate does the trick for you, then a little of it can be no bad thing. However, if you’re the sort who ends up with pang of guilt after devouring one of your favourite bars, then it’s best that you give it a miss.

Think about less fortunate people
If you’re in a really bad mood, it may be because you think everything is going wrong for you. What you need to do in this case is to regain your sense of perspective on life. Take a stroll through and town centre, maybe in your lunch time, and have a look at the people around you. Chances are you’ll probably pass by at least one Big Issue seller who would probably settle for your problems and a roof over their head. Or you might see someone disabled or elderly struggling to get into a shop. If you can, get a sense of perspective – then things may not seem so bad after all!

Blast out some music
Everybody has some favourite tunes to listen to, from rousing classical music compositions to bouncing pop tunes. Listening to one of your favourite tracks – such as one that you associate with a happy time in your life – will help draw you out of your bad mood. And why not go one step further by belting out your favourite tune at the top of your voice? You could even do this if you feel yourself being drawn into a bad mood while stuck in traffic – as long as you don’t mind being a source of amusement to other motorists.

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