To Tempt The Beauty

First, I introduce you the male and female internal device “I". Taking into account only the meaning instincts, the primary function of women is bearing offspring. Look deeper. She performs the role of "filter" in nature. It filters out the weak male, not let them leave offspring. This is the law of nature: the strong genes should live, and the weak-die. As it is a process of filtering? First, a woman tries to create a competition around him that male competed for it, so must defeat the strongest male. Secondly, women are not give oneself up to first men, it first checks it "abruptnesses and perseverance. And only after all the tests, men get a chance to do with this woman sex.

How does a man behavior with a woman? He decided a long time. Begins to invent excuses like: "if I was more beautiful , richer, cleverer with a great car. If a man decides to come, it usually begins to bear any firearm, disturbing the woman at best ironic smile. What do you think? Yes, all women, from girls to grandmothers, in all towns and villages long ago evolved emetic reflex to the phrase: "The girl, and can you see? " Must be original! To say anything, it would be only "a little" not banal village approach. Believe, "even a girl, send me to give a" better than "can be found? , "If only because it sounds raw, and the second option, but atrocious characteristic, and yet ugly, indecision. Think in terms of this question! You ask a woman of experience? You deal, and have to learn to deal with it or not. Your goal at this point not to do with sex, and make conversation. Be imagination, think of something interesting, and use every acquaintance.

For example, you could call a woman. What next? Next to her interest. And believe- it is not doing with compliments and bouquets. Interested women you can only yourself , their dedication, a sense of humor, intellect. She simply could not refuse, if you prove to her that you do not like all the men you another is the most important. Watch her reaction. Does she laugh when you tell? Does she smile you? If these signs and they are sincere, that we have enough to go to the next stage. Once you saw it in the interest should immediately take her phone. And leave. Again, the phone does not need to solicit and take! Therefore operate the phrase "you can not take your number? "And something like" let your phone, I save it, it is important to obtain your phone and show the intention really write her number. All ... Now is the time to go. Make it better at the peak of its interest in you, and interest girls can change very quickly extreme indifference, if you are going stick. Now is the time for you. You can do anything if you interested the unknown woman, it will be all night thinking about you ... This is the sense of love and life, when we think about the long component is trying to discern its secrets. That is why when dating is very important intrigue.

To intrigue is issues that are born in the head girl and she does not receive a response. Do not try to tell her as much as possible about yourself, the less you know about it, the more fun you for it. You have to show an interest in women measure out and intermittently, to start fighting for your attention! So you want it. And if they understand that you "at her feet" you become it more dull. Now you no longer bears Prince, and it

Princess here for you. All games ended ... Do everything you can to this has not happened

When her number is securely stored in your phone, you can relax a little bit. Professionals say that more call three days after taking the number, but it is not required if a want, but you can call the same day.

Visitation is our next step. Will the girl you meet, depends on how you liked it with familiarity. You can donate it to a gentle flower, most not huge bouquet. Do not come in costume, or the atmosphere will be more official visits, which we do not have joint herewith. Do not book a table at downtown restaurant, or a restaurant ... this spectacle, you show the girl that you see for the holiday. It is not preclude a sense of humor, because if you are too serious, the girl will like you. Just if the girl is bored with you and not agree to a second date. More funny!

Read fresh anecdotes of visits, and if the case is tough, think of jokes in advance. By the way, some men can not become a girl is boy. "They see in me only a friend and nothing more," complained accidents. It is not a friend? All very easy-seducing her! Do not be afraid blatant, women love impudent teams. In doing so, you show her that convinced ourselves and our abilities and know exactly what you want. Otherwise, you will always be "just another".

In conclusion, I say that if you carefully read the article and would follow the instructions in it, your life will change very soon, and this will be the beginning of the real man's life, good luck!

Mamin Rodion

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