Tips To Make Women Head Straight In To The Bedroom

Biologically we are all wired to directly go in the reproduction mode or in layman’s term, have sex. You don’t need to wait for a person and wait for sex to happen to you. It is easy to make any women listen to you, but to make women feel more intimately towards you can be a difficult thing to do. Fear not for psychology can easily come to your rescue.

Use some principles of clinical psychology to help you. Clinical psychology can help you understand the sexual orientation of a person and even how they fare spiritually. It can give you insights into the whole gender issue. It is not unknown that women are different from men. Just go through clinical psychology, and you will come to understand how women operate.

Use your new found knowledge and some simple tricks that you will learn here. Use them together and I am sure that you will never have a dull moment in your life. You will get the girl when you want and wherever you want.

Trick #1

Flirt with the women you want. Complement her and add a slight undertone of sex to it. Tell her some naughty jokes. If she laughs with you, you’ve got her. She would definitely have sex on her mind at this stage. Be bold when you are flirting with her. Remember women like to see confident men. This is the reason that older men are better at seducing younger women.


Now that you have her attention completely and she is thinking about sex in no less terms. Its time to initiate slight physical touch. Use some slight physical contact on her. Brush your hands against hers. Or let your finger rest on her hands. You can even touch the tip of her hair and make a light brush against her thigh. This will make her want you more with anticipation. Even you would be feeling rushed and heady when you do this. At this point don’t go overboard or else you would spoil all the fun.


If she responds well to the physical contact, then its time that you took things to the next level. Ensure that you take her to a spot that is private. This place is the place where you can have unrestricted freedom, without any one over looking you. This can be her place or yours or any place where you can have total privacy. Even the poolside or the beach can be a great place to have sex.


A Kiss is very private. Start by kissing her cheeks, then her lips. Kiss her with passion but make sure that you don’t ram your entire tongue into her mouth. If you do that then you are inviting trouble for yourself. Kissing leads to more intimate foreplay. Done rightly, it will make her want to all the more. The anticipation of actual sex at this point will be very thrilling for her.


Have foreplay with her. It helps to set the mood right. Now gently increase the intensity and make the right moves. I don’t think I really need to tell you how to make love to her. You know how to get a woman’s booty!

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