Tips To Attract A Guy At Work

No matter how hard you might try to separate work from pleasure, the fact is we spend so much time in the office that it can be hard to differentiate our job from our social lives. This can be particularly true if you have fallen for a guy at work. Of course just because you like him doesn’t mean he even knows you exist, and so the first step is to make sure you are getting noticed. Here are some great ways to attract a guy at work without blowing your cover.

Get in His Circle

You can’t always choose who you get to work with, but you can always keep your eyes open for new opportunities. The closer you can get to your man at work the better chance you will have to win them over. Look for committees or special projects that might give you a chance to be on the same team. You can also plan or attend work-related social functions that he may be present at. If all else fails, you can even go so far as to start your own “group lunch club” and invite him to join you.

Grab the Spotlight

You should always take advantage of any opportunity to speak at a presentation or lead a committee. Often times these are the projects that incorporate different departments or leaders that may create a connection between you and your guy. Always go the extra mile in these situations to put on a good show. The more buzz you can create about yourself, the more likely he will hear your name whispered in the hallways. It is all about getting out there and being notice on multiple fronts.

Keep it Professional…at First

When you finally land the chance to talk to your man, keep the conversation about business to start with. Don’t go overboard with information about yourself until you know there is a connection between you. The best way to attract a guy is to make him think that he is the one who initiated the contact. This makes him feel empowered and more confident around you. By impressing him with your knowledge and work ethic first, you will set the groundwork for the rest to develop as you become closer.

While it may not be the most ideal situation to fall for someone at your job, the truth is that it can work if you keep things subtle. The first step is getting him to notice you. After that you need to create a lasting impression so that he thinks of you beyond the hours of nine to five. By focusing on how you are perceived by others you will attract a guy who shares your same passions. Just remember to start slow and build his interest by creating curiosity about yourself.

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