The Viagra Influence

The magic blue pill phenomenon is something which no one could think and imagine about. Nothing else could grab such attention and excitement, or instill that much hope in men. We've all heard news, stories, rumors and even jokes about Viagra, the infamous impotence drug. In fact no other products or events could garner as much attention, bring such unfathomed excitement or infuse so much hope in men. Everyone has heard and seen the Viagra craze, what with humors, jokes, news and articles based on the super star impotence drug Viagra doing the rounds. It is an exhilarating and invigorating picture with HMOs seriously battling with the idea if they should pay for Viagra, and how many pills would make a month’s supply. You can see men knocking and pounding on doctor’s doors and women sampling the blue pill in the neighborhood pharmacy, all in an attempt for an enhanced and enlivened sexual live.

And so, we have to agree and accept the Viagra influence on societal, personal, cognitive and scientific spheres of life. This is because every man worries about the day when he will not get a strong erection. This is because all men have performance anxiety, and that's the reality. And this is why it is so natural to find a man feeling better if he can get an erection, which is the innate character of man. A man without an erection feels like he is half a man.

What would be those influences if we wish to express them in words?

• Sex for older people was a taboo, and had always been ignored. Viagra influence is such that our elder generation no longer consider that they have to give up sex because of their age.
• Old couples very enthusiastically have accepted the idea of using a drug for invigorating their sexual lives. As if they were just waiting for something like Viagra.
• The blue pill is not only a pill for your grandpa. Viagra advertisements have influenced the younger men too, who do not have erectile dysfunction to use Viagra to get rid of even the slightest chance of failing in those special nights.
• Youngsters are using Viagra as a club drug, because it assures erection and can negate the numbing effects of other addictive drugs.
• People were never talking about sex and sexual life so clear and loudly before the introduction of Viagra.

The want of a Viagra-like medicine can be understood by the number of prescriptions scribbled for Viagra till December 2003. The number was 133 millions! The sales of Viagra in 2002 alone reached $1.2 billions.

It was only after the introduction of Viagra, the phrase 'life-style drugs' was replaced by the new phrase 'life quality drugs'. So much so, Viagra bagged the highest accolade within the pharmaceutical industry of Canada, the Prix Galien Canada Innovative Drug Product Award in 2001.

The sociological studies on the sexual behavior say that Viagra has bring about a certain change of attitude in men and women in different age groups. The age of quick-fixes has brought about the-most-dangerously-amazing creation of technology, Viagra. Sex was never so talk-about and sought-after pleasure of live that even old age denies living without it. The baby boomers, who are reaching old age, are the strata of society who hate to give up the pleasures of good life due to old age. And sexuality being one of the most important parts of life and conjugal happiness, the baby boomers have welcomed Viagra with the warmth of life and its passion. No wonder that the senior sexuality has been pampered by Viagra, but at the same time, Viagra has stimulated the sexuality of the young generations. Men within the age group of 20-35 are seeking Viagra prescription from their physicians even when they are not suffering from erectile dysfunction. Their logic is clear enough to understand. Even though Viagra is not an aphrodisiac, but a treatment for erectile dysfunction, men, with or without erectile dysfunction, like to use it because of its sure-shot successful result in getting it up and going. And their better halves like the experience when their partners use Viagra skillfully.

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