The Medical Characteristics Of Kisses.

According to the scientific researches frequent kisses normalize cardiovascular activity, bring down the high blood pressure and content of cholesterol in blood and :improve the life quality” of the person. And if it is so,it will be better to tell about it from the medical point of view.


A kiss can be used instead of Orbit or Dirol. The matter is that the kiss could prevent caries better than all of these gums. It is explained that during the kiss stimulates the kiss formation which protects perfectly the teeth from the caries owing to calcium and phosphorus which consist in it. Besides, the lovers of passion kisses are not subjected to parodontosis. As the best treatment in this sickness of the gums – is their massage. And during the passion and long kisses we always do it. Besides it, a saliva during the kisses has a neutral reaction and it could prevent the teeth and gums from many diseases.


Perhaps it sounds loudly but nevertheless... The passion kiss arise an effort more than 30 of facial muscles. The skin owing to this become smooth, more elastic and better supply with a blood. And perhaps you'd better kiss than put on your face different face packs and creams. It will be much better.


During the every passion and long-drawn kiss we spend no more than 12 kilocalories. But when you spend this energy you could grow thin. As the scientists say only thee kisses in a day ( every 20 seconds) help you during one year to get rid of one kilos unnecessary weight.


Due to endorfin hormone kiss has an anesthetization effect. The more passion kiss the more endorfin hormone produce the organism. During the one kiss an anodyne hormone dose which exceeds the minimal morphine dose.

And yet during the kisses the natural antibiotic are produced in the saliva and they also have an anesthetization effect. In short, forget about analgesics and kiss!

Antistress Therapy.

At first a kiss prevent a stress hormones formation. In the most cases these hormones are guilty in a high blood pressure, high cholesterol content, muscles weakness and breach insulin balance and insomnia.

Generally, a kiss could calm nervous system and prevent stresses. That is why kiss-lovers are always optimist people.

Besides, during the kisses adrenalin spike takes place which provides a joyful activity and “attacks” a stress hormone - cortisol .

Only thee kisses in a day provide very romantic and friendly mood to you during the 24 hours.

The Way of Vaccination.

The matter is that our saliva consists of many bacteria. About 80% of them are very similar in the organism and only 20% are very individual. When they are in the other mouth they arouse a bright revival among the “native” microorganisms. In the result it gives the immune system impulse for the antibodies process formation. Scientifically the whole this process calls cross immunotherapy.

Express-Analysis to the Genetic Compatibility.

Yes, yes, it is not a exaggeration! When you are kissing your brain does chemical analysis of your saliva and takes a decision about your genetic compatibility. That is why you should not protract with your first kiss. The better thing is to understand if a person match you or not.

And, generally, a kiss arouses the pulsation (till 110-120 beats in a minute for men and 180 for women). It leads to the circulation of the blood improvement, transfer an additional litre of blood. That is the cells take an additional oxygen and your vitality is improved.

During the kiss a process of some very harmful chemical compounds discharge slow down and it has a positive influence on the work of the whole organism.

Those people who kiss very often suffer from blood disease, stomach and gall-bladder not very often.

With a help of a long kiss you can get rid of hiccup.

But when Papuan look at the kissing people they began a hysterical laugh. And it is not strange as they have another way in demonstration their love. Perhaps, when we look at them we will be also laugh.

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