Strategies For Men Who Want To Date Beautiful Women

It is an irony that males, even those who are good looking do not get approached by women. Women, beautiful ones in particular, get approached by men numerous times. Hence, these women gain an expertise on how to handle men. With time they become professionals and can easily evaluate if a man is worth or not. These women develop protective mechanism against men. This is the reason they may seem indifferent when you first begin interacting with them. They may even lie about their relationship to you so that you maintain a safe distance from them.

So you need to think and formulate a strategy so as to be successful in dealing with these beauties.

I will like to describe the pattern in which a woman thinks so as to maintain a safe distance from men. Most men look at a woman from a distance and smile. They are too shy to approach them. This makes women uncomfortable. It is this behavior that makes women think men as pigs. They think that men only give importance to the physical appearance of a woman.

The second strategy is brave but doesn’t help much. They will compliment a woman’s beauty. They would either say, “You are hot” or the descent ones would say, “You are beautiful”. Their game plan is to let every beautiful know how they feel about them, so that at least one of them will agree for a date with them.

Bribing is the next strategy adopted. This is complimenting them, beyond the physical aspects. It is either offering her a drink or asking for a dinner. This might seem descent but indirectly indicates that you think she can be bought by offering her something. On the face it seems a brilliant idea, but it is not at all so.

So the simple strategy for a woman to notice you is to be different.

She faces men constantly. Some compliment her, some offer her to buy things. But the master, the real player will emerge a winner irrespective of how he looks or how his financial condition is. What is his strategy? His body language will be very open and he will convey one thing very clearly that he is not overwhelmed by the woman’s beauty.

The approaches I described above just shows how intimidated you are by the woman’s beauty. Women are experts at interpreting body language and they can handle a man very appropriately. So the first thing you have to do is not to let her know that you are overwhelmed by her beauty. This would need corrections in your posture and nervous gestures. If you want to know how to do it, James Bond movies are the best guide for you. Observe how he carries and conducts himself around women. Imitate him and you will soon be successful.

The next step is to show that you have high social worth. Women want men make them feel better. They don’t guys who cling on to physical aspects. What matters to them are the feelings and emotions. One way to do this is to make her convince you rather than you convincing her. This can be done by saying things that are ambiguous or just by teasing her.

Most beautiful women are of the opinion that most men in this world would love to have them. But if you are ambiguous in displaying your interest or you tease her, she will be inspired to know you more. She will relate herself to your personality and will soon be eager to explore you more. So you can turn the tables on her – she will follow you instead of you following her, she will seduce you instead of you seducing her.

Remember, that two most important things when you're approaching a beautiful woman are your charisma and self-confidence. You can become a really charismatic person, boost your confidence and become an "alpha male" with the help of subliminal messages: subliminal messaging will help you "reprogram" your subconscious mind on a deep level and become a real seducer.

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