Split The Responsibility

Love is bliss. Love is beauty and romance. Love is caring as well as sharing.

Love is sacrifice and responsibility. Love in a relationship is a blend of all. If you want a long lasting relationship filled with love then learn to be true partner holding hands together and taking responsibilities. Whether married or not, weekends are full of chaos, full of errands and chores.

Men and women are equally important in a relationship. One cannot do with the other. As both the partners are busy, have their own jobs, taking care of the house becomes impossible for any one of them all alone. It is advised to both the partners to take split responsibilities to make your life comfortable and tension free. If one washes the dishes the other can clean the house. If you have kids sharing responsibilities becomes all the more important. Suppose one of the kids has to go for a dance practice while the other has to go for skating at the same time then offer to take one to the dance classes while your mate takes the other for skating. It makes the work easier without chaos and conflict and without hurting the children of the failure of not reaching on time. If there is enough of work for your mate never hesitate to give her a helping hand as you too are a part of the house.

Divide the household work in such a way that you both find it convenient and not a burden. Adjust your office work and house work accordingly. Do not allow one job to create an obstruction for the other work. Whoever is free can do the household work so that your office work is not at stake. Split your household responsibilities in such a way that you go to office without worrying about home though at times it is not as easy at it sounds. But yes you can avoid it most of the times by dividing your duties.

Give each partner equal importance. Split responsibilities economically as well as otherwise. There should be equal participation as parenthood. You should take decisions together when it comes to family matters. Your children should receive the love and care of both the parents. They should feel the presence of both the parents. For giving your children such a kind of security both of you have taken up responsibilities. It is then you can call your family a complete family and your relationship a happy relationship. It does not matter if one of the partners has got a little more responsibilities than the other, the important point is that you share your responsibilities and do not let the burden fall on only one of the partner. Because you share such a lot together there is extreme intimacy between you both. Since you share the household work you depend on each other. This kind of dependence should always be welcomed. It does not make you handicapped to do your work but helps to get more close to each other. Your relationship definitely turns out to be a stable one. Your marriage is successful if and only if you learn to care about each other and for that split responsibilities.

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