Showing Love

If you love your partner show it. Not in words but in actions. You do not have to say again and again “I love you”, but you can show it in innumerable ways. Words repeated again and again tend to lose their meaning. Whenever you feel like saying you love say it in a different and unique way. Showing love to each other increases the love. If you love your spouse show it with care and affection. If somebody cares for you and considers your likes and dislikes then there is an element of love in that relationship but if that care and consideration is shown in a love relationship then it is the exact way to express love with a difference.

It is vital to know and acknowledge what your partner is passionate about. What are the things your mate would like to do and be pleased with? Take interest in your spouse’s favorite pastime and give him or her company to show that you love your partner. Encourage him and take interest in the things he or she loves to do. It does not have to be a matter of give and take. Either of the partners can show love in such a way no matter if the other does not. And the answer is simply because, if you love a person, you love unconditionally.

There are a number of ideas to show your love in a unique way. If your mate loves a particular movie then watch it with him even if you don’t like. Just watch it because you love him and want to spend time with him making him happy. When you love a person try to find happiness in the things he loves.

If she loves to go for a boll then you give her company because you love her and want to say it differently. This is surely a way of saying you love.

All healthy relationships pay attention to each other take interest in their liking and it is a form of love. When you love somebody you are interested in him and the things he likes to do. This is love, true love. Merely saying it in words does not mean you love a person unless you show it.

When she comes out of the office tired be there to pick her up if you are free. She will appreciate it and know from within that you love her. When he is out of town wash his car, go to the airport to pick him up and surprise him with a clean car.

Prepare something for breakfast which he really likes and you don’t enjoy much. He will be extremely happy for your feelings for him.

Have a photo framed where she is looking stunning and beautiful or any photograph of her that is a favorite of hers. You do not have to always take him for shopping when he is not in the mood and wants to watch TV. You could leave him alone in the house to watch TV rather than irritate him and pull him for shopping. This is a form of unrealized love. This is unselfish love, True love.

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