Sex Tips: How To Seduce Your Wife While You Work

October 31st, 2007 by Aaron from · Be First to Comment

You are on a mission: Seducing Your Wife Tonight. Here’s the next objective.

In my previous posts you learned to plan your seduction and some tips of starting your seduction in the morning. Now comes the next step: Seducing Her Throughout the Day.

The goal of this third step is to keep her thinking about having sex with you that night. The more she thinks about it and about you, the more ready and willing she will be when the time comes.

So how do you keep her thinking about sex all day?

If your wife works and has things she carries with her to work, put a note in. If she takes a briefcase, put a note in there. If she takes her lunch, ditto. A little note just saying “I’m thinking about you…” will help her remember just how wonderful you really are. Here are some ideas to get you started:

• I’m Thinking About You…

• I Love the Way Your Skin Feels
• You Have the Most Amazing (Eyes, Mouth, Etc.)
• You are Beautiful
• I Can’t Wait until We Are Alone

• I Miss You

Poetry from the Web (takes a little advance thought)

If your wife doesn’t work outside the home, you can put notes in places she will be likely to find them after you go to work—in the pantry, her sock drawer, etc.

If you both have daytime responsibilities where you can get email, phone calls and/or text messages, you can use those to your advantage during the day.

Either by phone, email or text message, let her know you are thinking about her and specifically that you find her irresistible sexually. You need to let her know that in a way she feels is connected emotionally and not simply focused on sexual gratification for you.

Telling her you can’t wait to screw her brains out tonight might be an accurate description of how you feel, but for most women it would be the last thing they want to hear.

Instead, put your sexual desire for her into a romantic context. How can you do that? Either by tying it to something romantic in your shared past, coupling it with a romantic gesture or by making the focus on her pleasure, not yours. Here are some examples:

“I was thinking about that weekend we spent in the mountains and I am getting so excited I can barely keep my mind on work. I can’t wait to see you when I get home tonight.”

“Today my shirt smells like you—I guess it must have gotten that way when I kissed you good-bye—and all I want to do is be with you. I can barely keep my mind on work. I can’t wait to get home and see you tonight.”

“I can’t wait to get home, put the kids to bed and give you a back rub.”

Telling her you are thinking about her, desiring her, in a romantic way will flatter her and keep her thinking about having a romantic time with you later in the evening.

Now there is just one more message you need to give her: Tell her you don’t want her to worry about dinner because you are going to cook for her AND clean up the mess tonight. (Don’t worry, I won’t let you down. I’ve got a simple, painless way to cook for her, romance her and clean up.)

In the next post you’ll learn how to romance her once you get home.

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