Seven Easy Ways To Attract Your Husband

1. Hygiene

It's so easy to get into a routine where we are simply comfortable with our men. We decide that we don't really need to take a shower, that they're going to love us anyway, even in our funk. We decide it's okay to go without wearing deodorant because they'll love us anyway. Sure they will, but it's definitely not attractive!

Think of how you attracted your husband in the beginning of your relationship! You were definitely clean, showered, and I guarantee you went a little overboard with the perfume! Look where it got you! He promised to spend the rest of his life with you, so let's keep ourselves smelling nice, ladies. Take a shower. Brush your teeth. Don't be scared of the deodorant. Please, wear perfume.

We'll not only attract him, but we'll feel better about ourselves and maybe, just maybe, we'll get compliments from others that would help boost our own encouragement, which is always sexy! It does say in the Bible in Proverbs 27:9 that "...perfume makes the heart glad." Let's make our husbands' heart glad!

2. Dress to Impress

I know, I know... we women love those sweats! I have to agree that I would much rather choose sweats and a t-shirt over a dress and heels. However, we don't necessarily need to overdo the scrubby look. Some men do like this "natural" look, but keep it fresh and try to look nice for your man every now and then. You don't need to wear a dress or heels, but I can bet that each and every one of you have something "sexy" in your closet that you can bring out, even if it's not a special occasion. Just a reminder - if you follow through with #1, you'll look and feel great without fulfilling #2! Not only does it feel great to look stunning, but your husband will be all over you.

3. Lips & Eyes

Keep your gloss or lipstick in your purse at all times! Eyeliner is a must have! You never know when you'll need it. A little goes a long way! I've asked many of my friends what item in their makeup bag was most important and often I've heard, "Lipstick, eyeliner or mascara." Your eyes and your lips are always looked at. Forget about the blush and the foundation. As long as you keep your lips looking absolutely kissable and your eyes bold as ever, you'll have your man noticing you.

4. Body Maintenance

I'm not talking about spending hundreds on spa treatments or anything of the sort. What I'm going to suggest can easily be done in the comfort of your home. Keep your fingernails and your toes looking well maintained. There's nothing worse than having some unpainted, dirty, stained toes that might need a little trim or fingernails with chipped polish. If you can't afford getting to the salon to get your usual manicure/pedicure, do it yourself. The color red symbolizes passion and love... just a suggestion if you're thinking of attracting him in that way. Also, shave those legs. Period. (His shaver probably works best.)

5. No Nagging Allowed - Attitude Adjustment

Easier said than done. When your husband doesn't do something that you wanted him to do, be quiet about it. Before you say something, think about it first and think about how you can say it gently. Trust me, this is a tactic that works well. Men don't ask for a lot. They do hate nagging wives, though. I'm a woman who looks to the Bible for advice on my marriage and how to be a better wife.

In the wonderful book of Proverbs, it says that it's better to live on the corner of a roof than to live with a quarrelsome wife. Don't try to change your husband or control him. Trying to tell your husband to change is pretty much like telling him how to breathe differently. It's not going to happen and if it does, it won't come without resentment on his part. Let's be happy with who they are as men. Only the beauty of a true woman, with a gentle and quiet spirit, can truly change a man for the better.

6. Confidence

You've heard it before - confidence is attractive. It sure is! Even our husbands are capable of seeing confidence shining through us. Be confident in yourself, in him, and in your marriage. When I say confident, it means that you trust yourself and you trust him. You should never accuse him for things you might feel suspicious of. You can easily say that you trust him, but he'll know and so will others if you do in fact trust him completely. When you talk to your friends about him, your trust or lack of, will definitely show in the way that you talk about him. Don't ever bash your husband.

It's really sad to hear a woman talk trash about her own husband. We need to be confident of his character. We did marry him, right? Usually, accusations come from our own insecurities. Don't drive your husband away with this common mistake. Confidence also means you don't question his motives, you don't give him the third degree about everything, you don't get angry at him for "looking" at other women. That's a big no-no. If you're looking, he probably is, too. Get over it. There are other pretty women out there, too. So the sooner you believe in yourself and in him, the sooner you can walk day to day in a confidence that attracts him and others as well.

7. Get Physical

Don't think that it's okay to go a long time without sex. Most women don't have the sex drive of a man. Men are like animals. The truth is, if we don't give it to them, they're probably going to get it somewhere else whether it's by masturbation or worst case, infidelity. And when they do, you can't put all of the blame on them if you're withholding sex as a means of selfishness or punishment.

I understand that people have busy lives, people are tired, and the best excuse of all - people are not in the mood. That is a poor, poor excuse.

Some people don't really understand the concept of selfishness, but when we don't give our husbands something that they so desperately need (trust me, men NEED sex), then we're only giving them a reason to look elsewhere. Being selfless means that we put their needs as a top priority. We need to be understanding to their needs as men. I know that sounds silly, but it's the truth. We have given ourself to our husband and our responsibility as a wife is to keep him happy and keep him satisfied, especially if you don't want him wandering into other yards, searching for his fulfillment there.

Your marriage is absolutely more important than any other relationship because once your marriage falls apart, most likely everything else will, too. If you make sure to nurture your marriage, make time for each other (even when you have children), and keep things physical, then everything else falls into place. You don't necessarily have to have sex, but simple touching here and there - kissing, caressing, etc. Like I've said, a little goes a long way.

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