Scam Women

Scammer ladies stay one of the most arduous and straitened problems for dating agency. What kind of girls are they? So hard to understand them and to unmask them.

First of all I would like to tell shortly a cheerless story of my best friend and girl from Russia. My friend met a nice Russian woman, he was so cheerful! that woman was so clever and well educated in e-mails, so ideal that he thought that she is the girl with whom they can organize true solid family by international marriage and that only she can become his future wife. They were in correspondence with each other for some months, he was so heartfelt in his letters and Russian woman replied him with love and warm words.

The first puzzling things I felt after taking a look at her photographies. This woman from Russia sent to my friend photos near so indigent places, so poor and tumbledown houses, even dirty street toilets. Why? That girl from Russia wrote that it is her house, without electricity, without anything, that they have so difficult situation in her family.

Of course my friend was shocked, he had plans to help his Russian bride right from the heart!

By the way, once she came to the web cam to the international dating agence with ultramodern model of mobile phone, sunglasses Gucci and dressed very well. He couldn't imagine that he could meet bad girl, that she could be a impostor and can lie!

I will not depict the the end of this story, because I'm sure that my friend wouldn't be lucky to read everything. Just I want to mention that one day this Russian bride wrote the message, that she wants to be with him, that she loves him so much and ready to come. She told that in the travel agency they explained everything to her, etc. And she needs money (more then 10000$). When my kind friend told to his bride from Russia, that his friend will come to her house and give money and help her settle all the matters, she changed instantly… I checked this girl from Russia and she had completely different life from the life she explained in Internet messages and by phone. It is marvelous that we've revealed at the right time that she is a cheat.

I can write even more, but what I wanted to say - please! Be wary! Working in international dating agency I saw a lot of parallel situations. In such deals everything is under your control. I advise you to come first to your Russian girl and say that you are going to prepare everything together, if your girl from Russia has good intencions, she will be only happy to have you near her. And in such situation you will see her reaction. On the other side it is always possible to connect with the dating agency and they will assist you with everything! Just be cautious! International marriage isn't simple!

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