Romance Trivia

A collection of romance trivia and unusual romance and relationship facts from around the web.


Wild cabbage was traditionally recommended as an aphrodisiac.

Catholic Valentine Celebrations

The Catholic Church formally recognizes a total of 11 Valentine's days: Jan 7, Feb 14, May 2, Jul 16, Aug 31, Sep 2, Oct 25, Nov 1 and Nov 3, Nov 11 Nov 13, and Dec 16.

Coffee Break Romance

It's reported that more than 10,000 marriages a year now are directly traceable to romances which begin during coffee breaks.

Diamond Engagement Rings

The first diamond engagement ring was presented in 1477 by Archduke Maximillian of Austria to Mary of Burgundy.

Engagement Lengths

The average engagement lasts 6 months.

First Love

Two out of five marry their first love.

Forgotten Romance

Most recent research indicates just about 9,000 romantic couples each year take out marriage licenses, then fail to use them.

Go Ahead and Kiss

A team of medical experts in Virginia contends that you're more likely to catch the common cold virus by shaking hands than by kissing.

Having Sex?

According to a survey, the second most popular reason for having sex is to produce a baby.


The word honeymoon first appeared in the 16th century. 'Honey' is a reference to the sweetness of a new marriage and 'moon' is a bitter acknowledgment that this sweetness, like a full moon, would quickly fade.

Longest Marriage

Canadian hunter and trapper Joseph Henry Jarvis (b. 6/15/1899) and wife, Annie (b. 10/10/1904), have been married for 79 years.

Marriage In Ancient Rome

In ancient Rome there was no legal ceremony by a priest, minister, or civil servant or any 3rd party to solemize a marriage and there were no formal records of the marriage. The couple agreed to live together and they became recognized as married by the fact they lived together, or by actions such as the man referring to the lady as his wife, or by evidence of a dowry, or by the general acceptance of their life-style as representing a husband-wife relationship. Divorce was by agreement or by simply leaving the household on the part of either partner.

Mating Birds

It was believed that birds chose their mates on February 14th and because doves mate for life, they have become a symbol of fidelity.

Median Age for Marriage

In 1970, brides were on average 20.8 years old when they married, while grooms were 23.2. Americans are now marrying later in life. In the year 2000, brides were on average 25.1 with their grooms averaging 26.8.

Morning Kissing

Studies indicate that a man who kisses his wife good-bye when he leaves for work every morning averages a higher income than those who don't. Husbands who exercise the rituals of affection tend to be more painstaking, more stable, more methodical, thus, higher earners. Studies also show that men who kiss their wives before leaving in the morning live 5 years longer than those who don't.

Oldest Bride

Minnie Munro became the world's oldest bride when she married Dudley Reid at the age of 102 on May 31, 1991. Reid, the groom, was 83 years old.

Oldest Groom

Harry Stevens was 103 when he married 84 year old Thelma Lucas at the Caravilla Retirement Home in Wisconsin on December 3, 1984.

On Bended Knee

One in 5 men proposes on one knee.

Phone Proposals

6% of men proposed to their girlfriends over the phone.

Red Roses

Red roses are the most popular flower to give on Valentine's Day and although they may all look the same to the untrained eye, there are actually more than 900 different varieties of dark-red and medium-red roses.

Roman Romance

Juno, queen of heaven and partner to Jupiter (a.k.a Zeus, the king of gods) rules over marriage, the hearth and childbirth. The month of June takes its name from her, making it most appropriate for weddings.

Romance Novels

Romance Novels are more popular than ever. 53% of all mass market paperback books sold in this country are Romances. Romance novels earn more money in the USA yearly than baseball! So, what's the national pastime?

Sex Manuals

The oldest sex manuals were published in China 5,000 years ago.

Sweetest Day

It began in Cleveland, Ohio during the depression years to give a "small token of friendship orphans, shut-ins, the underprivileged, and the homeless." Today the holiday has expanded and become more commercialized as a romantic holiday.

Sweetest Day Origins

While sweetest day is not known in all parts of the country, it is extremely popular in others. Some speculate that it's simply a Hallmark invented holiday to get more money out of our pockets. Do you know how it really came about?

The Longest Engagement

Sixty-seven years, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The happy couple finally wed at age 82!

Tying the Knot

The expression, "tying the knot" dates to Roman times, when the bride wore a girdle that was tied in knots - which the groom then had the fun of untying.

US Marriage Rates

The Wall Street Journal, citing U.S. Census Bureau research, reports that the U.S. marriage rate is significantly higher in the Mountain States (thanks primarily to Nevada's wedding industry), along with the East South Central States of Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. The Northeast region of the country has the lowest marriage rate.

Valentine's Day Cards

Approximately one billion Valentine's Day cards are sold in the United States each year, according to the Greeting Card Association, which makes Valentine's Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas.

Valentine's in Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Marriage License Bureau is open around the clock on February 14th.

World's 2nd Largest Box of Chocolates

For Valentine's Day 2000, a liqueur manufacturer created the world's largest box of chocolates. The heart-shaped box, assembled in New York City, measured 15 feet high by 15 feet wide and weighed some 1300 pounds. It held the record until November of 2002, when Marshall Fields broke the record with a 2,002 pound box of chocolates in Chicago.

Your Hand in Marriage

Only 4% of men ask for the parent's approval for their bride's hand in marriage.

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