Right And Wrong Reasons To Get Married

If you are considering getting married, make sure you are getting married for the right reason. Here's a listing of both the right and wrong reasons to get married.

Wrong Reasons to Get Married

• Want to be free from parents.
• To have sex.
• To ease loneliness.
• To be happy.
• To be an adult.
• Because of a pregnancy.
• He or she loves you.
• To save or help someone.
• Because you want a baby.
• For money.
• Because all your friends are married.
• You've always wanted a fancy wedding.
• Out of fear that no one else will want to marry you.
• For immigration purposes.

Right Reasons to Get Married

• You are in love with one another.
• A desire to share your life with another.
• To have a lifetime companion.
• Realistic expectations.
• Willingness to help one another fulfill their own needs and dreams.

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