Relationship: Fighting No-No

It is very normal and healthy to have difference in opinion and it is normal to fight to prove your point in a relationship. Different people have different thinking and thus there are disagreements among couples. When you disagree you are likely to fight. There is nothing wrong in fighting but where you’re fighting that needs to be given attention.

Couples often come into arguments and start fighting forgetting where they are standing. You have to be conscious of the place when you come into an argument and avoid fighting in a crowd. Couples often start arguing and then end up fighting when they are attending a party or any other family gathering. This not only creates an embarrassing atmosphere for the couples and family members but also becomes a talk of the town. The people present in the party do not take a positive outlook about you. You actually show them a negative side of your relationship.

Whenever you are present at a party make sure that you do not come into an argument and keep it later when you spend time in privacy. If you do happen to come into an argument make sure you do not fight or find a private corner where people do not notice you. For sure none of you would like to be embarrassed and throw a negative light on people about you. People really think in the negative about you and your relationship. People form an opinion that is far from being correct from one such act of yours. None of the couples would like to show their relationships as an unsuccessful one, especially when it is really not. Such fights not only are embarrassing for you and your partner but also are a reason of embarrassment for your family members.

As said earlier arguments and fights are normal in a relationship, but arguments and fights as a routine should not take place? If it does then there could be some or the other problem with the couples. It could be that you are unsatisfied with something or maybe you have got everything in life and do not have any worries what so ever. The issue could be any; you just have to try to understand the problem. If you are unsatisfied then find out the reason for it. If you have no worries and have all the pleasures of a happy relationship then you could be undergoing some kind of physic problem and you need the help of a psychiatric. When you often come into arguments with each other then give time to each other and find out why you act in such a way as to make things embarrassing. Instead of shouting and yelling at each other immediately try to understand each other and resolve the problem.

For a better understanding of how you behave see other couples fighting at a party or the street and watch out for the public opinion about them. It is then you will realize how people feel about you when they see you fighting. You will definitely feel embarrassed at the thought of it. Fighting on regular basis and especially should not be a part of relationship. To make your relationship happy always say no to fights. Find out ways to solve problems to your arguments and disagreements. You will for sure come out with a solution.

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