Quotes About Family

Family is a bond that usually works basically on mutual understanding. There have been various golden family quotations that have been uttered by several great personalities…


Family is a bond that usually works basically on mutual understanding. The best principles are formulated and followed in harmony. A family can be described as an eternal source of moral support, joy, friendship and never ending bliss. The harmony works like a refueling agent and kindles the fire of enthusiasm. Families have been predominant since man settled down from his nomadic life. On the basis of various experiences, many great people have quoted various quotations that are popular all around the world. These quotations remain as a guide to direct mankind on the route of compassion, love and ardor.

A family is a place where love prevails over all insignificant trifles. The family is a place where all the members unite after every tiring and gruesome day. The family is a great source of inspiration and also serves as a role model for the off-springs. There are several definitions that have been offered for defining the world wide phenomenon named family.

Golden Quotes

There have been various golden quotations that have been uttered by several great personalities ranging from the greatest scholar of the ancient scholar Buddha to the great Abraham Lincoln. The explanations for families came pouring from all over the world ranging from the east to the west.

The great Buddha quoted that a family was a place that came into contact with each other and if they love each other the home will be a beautiful garden. But in case these people lose harmony, it resembles a storm that creates havoc in the garden.

The great Soviet leader, Vladimir llyich Lenin quotes that when the family is destroyed, the country perishes.

Elias Boudinot expresses his feeling about family. He says that the family is the source for a good government and the moral character of people are the political character as well.

Barbara Bush quotes that success of a family or a society depends on what happens inside the house or white house.

Robert G Ingersoll states that love is a bow amidst dark clouds. This works like a magic wand and the things that bring changes with sacred passion making the earth a heaven and the family members like gods.

Thomas Paine quotes that all men are equal by birth and can set up a family in preference and be a source of harmony.

Sir Walter Raleigh states that a man who knows to govern his family can rule the government perfectly.

George Bernard Shaw quotes that getting rid of family skeleton is impossible and you can dance to the tune when things are under perfect control.

Lance Armstrong states that getting up in the early dawn and looking in the mirror gives the reflection of the entire family and that is what it matters.

Ashleigh Brilliant believes that a family reunion is an event haunted by ghosts.

There is an ancient Chinese proverb states that hundred men can form only an encampment whereas the presence of a singular women can compromise a family.

The prominent British prime minister who purchased nearly 100,000 shares of the Suez Company from Ismail Pasha of Egypt, describes that one’s loss in his own family can never be compromised by any public victory.

The need for a united family was felt even by the Chinese scholar Confucius. He stated that the power of a nation can be harnessed only from the integration of the family.

There have been other prominent personalities who spoke about families to guide wandering souls and reform them to lead a quiet and contented family life. The fact that human souls still wander about with any assistance is a very pathetic situation and can only be solved when the human conscience accepts and sticks to such quotes.

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