Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

What would girls do without boyfriends! They can be a gentleman when it comes to wooing, a pleasant surprise when it comes to voicing their feelings, adorably sweet when you are not well or have had a bad day and can be fiercely protective and possessive of you. Yet, sometimes, certain situations make these wonderful boyfriends behave in a way that may be a bit unexpected. Of course, they are humans too and have their own woes and troubles.

So if you think you have been in a situation where you simply seem to see an entirely new person in your boyfriend, don’t hesitate to ask questions. What I am trying to say is, you can understand each other better by knowing what you think about certain things. This can be done in a fun way when both of you are in a relaxed mood. Here are some fun questions to ask your boyfriend, just to know him better. It will help the love grow fonder!

• Which song can you associate with my personality?

• What would you like to change about yourself?

• How can you describe me in a sentence?

• What flowers would you like to offer me?

• Which comic superhero would you associate yourself with?

• One way in which you have changed over the time we first met…

• Which day would you love to live again?

• What is life’s hardest lesson you have learnt so far?

• What/Who is your most valuable possession?

• What would be your favorite guilty pleasure?

• Your dream vacation would see both of us in…

• What is that one thing that drives you mad?

• What is that one thing you would like to do for me again and again?

• Which celebrity would you like to become?

• How well can you judge someone’s character?

• The best compliment you have ever received till date…

This list could probably go on till eternity, so I choose to stop right now! The trick to ask these questions is that you need to place them strategically in a light and playful conversation. You just cannot go and ask your boyfriend these questions like a Rapid Fire! Strike up a normal conversation and just ask him simultaneously. It would help if you voice your opinion first on certain questions. So, go ahead know your boyfriend better!

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