Milk For Fat Loss

While I visited my gym yesterday I met one of my friends who asked me something which he read somewhere. He read that if you drink 24oz of fat free milk a day it will help you loose weight. Have you read something like this too?

Here is the answer what I told him.

There are several things about milk that people do not know. When FDA passed the law that said all foods and beverages must list their nutrition breakdown in labels on the outside of packages, they gave the diary industry an exemption on how they list their fat content. The diary industry was allowed to list their fat content based on the fats weight in water versus what is actually in the carton. Well, fat weighs next to nothing in water, so what does that mean?

It means that 2% milk isn't actually 2% at all. If calculated like every other product has to, would be closer to 32% fat. Whole milk is scarier, and can go up to around 60%!? 60% of what you are drinking is pure fat.

Even skim or fat free milk is not actually fat free and can range anywhere from 5-15% fat.

There's nothing magical about the milk that increases your likelihood of weight loss. It's just a way to get what you need.

You need protein and calcium in your body and milk is a source.

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