Men Have Plastic Surgery

Every society sets an elevated importance on the appearance to remain fit and young. In today’s world, not only women are concerned about their physique but men of all ages also pursue some methods to remain young and fit and apply plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes. The goals of men consist of a revitalized face, more balanced nose and a trimmer waistline.

The methods which are used to obtain these purposes should contain certain factors like beard growth, skin thickness and body type. One can see men in America in order to appear energetic and youthful in the age of 40, 50 and 60 have forced them to take proper diet, pills, face care products, exercise and cosmetic or plastic surgery. In America , plastic surgery has become very famous among men as they want to completely change their outlook and image.

Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men

There are five plastic surgery procedures which men can apply and they are:-

• Liposuction
• Nose reshaping
• Breast reductions
• Eyelid surgery
• Hair transplantation

All the plastic surgery procedures are performed by the surgeons qualified by the American Board of Medical Specialties recognized boards and other surgeons licensed by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Statistics about Men’s Plastic Surgery Procedures

According to the statistics, plastic surgery procedures such as 20 percent of laser hair removal, 14 percent of botox injections, 24 percent of nose jobs and 15 percent of liposuction are pursued by men. The number of plastic surgery performed on men has risen from 32 percent to 8.7 million in the US and make use of the most well recognized Botox anti-wrinkle injection treatments. The number of plastic surgery methods has increased by 5 percent and the persistent methods have been raised to about 41 percent after 2002 as stated by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Body Improvement for Men

To improve the appearance of the body, men pursue surgery for bulging pecs, six pack abs and buttock enhancements. All the plastic surgical procedures involve high costs and risks related to the chosen surgery. The plastic surgery procedures worked very well for some people and for some it did not work and result into a bad plastic surgery.

Costs of Men’s Plastic Surgery Procedures

Costs vary for different people that depend on the fees charged by the associates of the surgical group and the type of cosmetic procedure taken by them. But the main thing is that which every person should consider that they should pursue plastic surgery only from a qualified plastic surgeon.

Average cost for plastic surgery procedure

• Botox injections from $300
• Rhinoplasty from $3000
• Liposuction from $2000
• Eyelid surgery from $2000
• Facelift from between $5000-$10000

Complications in Plastic Surgery pursued by Men

Men suffer from various risks and dangers such as Sedation and Anesthesia risks which involve:-

• Heart attack
• Nerve damage
• Blood loss
• Infection
• Brain damage
• Blood clots
• Scarring
• Irregularities
• Skin death

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