Marriage Licenses

The marriage license is probably the single most important part of your wedding preparations. You can't get married without it. Requirements for getting a license vary depending on where you live. Make sure you know these requirements, what the limitations are, and any special situations you might run into.

Requirements for Obtaining a Marriage License

Requirements vary from state to state and the application processes could even vary in different counties in the same state. Generally you will obtain a marriage license from your County clerk's office. Before going to get your license, make sure you contact your County clerk's office or local issuing agency for specific instructions. Common requirements include:

• Identification will always be required. Types that may be requested include birth certificates and photo identification (such as a valid driver's license).
• Blood tests may be required. Blood tests are not as common a requirement as they used to be. If one is needed, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to have the tests done and the results completed before you need to obtain the license.
• Proof of vaccinations against certain diseases, tests for venereal diseases and tests for rubella are still required in a few states.
• Copies of divorce decrees from any former marriages will need to be presented.
• Death certificate(s) if either or both of you are widowed will need to be provided.
• Presence of both parties at the issuing office is almost always required but there may be some rare exceptions.
• Payment of the fee to obtain your license.
• Parental consent if you are underage. This typically means under 18 years of age but may vary by state. Check the age requirement in your area.

Limitations of Your Marriage License

Your marriage license gives you permission to marry. There are some caveats attached to it, though. These relate most notably to timing issues and the ability of your selected official, a clergy person or judge, for example, to legally marry you.

Some states have a waiting period between the issuance of the license and the time you can perform the ceremony. The timeframe is usually one to five days, varying by jurisdiction. This is seen as a cooling off period which gives both parties a chance to change their minds. Other states, like Nevada, have no such waiting period requirement. This is especially crucial to keep in mind when the bride and the groom live in different states. If your state has a three day waiting period and the groom flies in two days before the wedding you'll be out of luck.

Some states issue licenses at the time of application while others have a waiting period between the application and the issuance. Make sure you know the rules for your state so that you don't apply too late to receive your license before the wedding date.

Your wedding license will be good for a certain number of days, usually 90 or less. After that time it will expire and you'll have to get another one. Make sure that you time your application so your license won't expire before your planned wedding date.

Make sure that you get an official who can legally marry you. You have the marriage license but it requires someone authorized by your state to officiate at marriages to marry you, sign the certificate and return it to the County clerk's office for recording. This is usually a clergy person, such as a priest or rabbi, a judge or commissioner, or a tribe elder if either the bride or groom is a Native American. Some states will give special permission for another person to perform the ceremony for a specific couple on a specific day. Check with your issuing office to see if this is a possibility if you have a friend or relative who you would like to perform the ceremony who would not otherwise be authorized to perform a wedding. Also, some states have much stricter laws and require clergy persons to be specifically licensed to perform weddings so confirm that your clergy person can do the job.

Special Marriage License Needs

If you are planning to be married in a state other than the one in which you live, check with the county clerk in both your home county and in the location for your wedding to find out which office should issue your license. Some states may have a residency requirement for issuance of a marriage license.

Destination weddings are growing increasingly popular with couples tying the knot all over the world. The best thing you can do is contact a professional wedding planner for the city or resort you plan to be married in and enlist their help with all the details of the wedding. Generally speaking, a marriage performed in another country is valid in the United States so long as it was valid in the state or country in which it was performed. It is a good idea to verify this with your contacts at the wedding site as well as with your home county's clerk.

With a little planning, it might only take you and your fiance an hour or so to get your marriage license. If your county clerk recommends setting an appointment, do so. Make sure you take all needed documentation with you and be very careful that you are obtaining the license in a timeframe that will allow you to use it on your big day.

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