Main (Travel) Scamming Scenario

The scammers on the Russian Internet dating scene are busy these days. They are so active that real women don't stand a chance! Using professional photos from the Cosmopolitan, or pictures of famous Russian actresses, they ensure success because men just can't go pass this "raving Russian beauty".

I am the director of agency, and as a professional matchmaker who helps men from this, and other agencies, I am often asked for a professional opinion about the state of relationship with a girl, and to provide analysis if she is suspected to be a scammer. Over the years I have become well versed in the methods used. It would be great if you can heed advice below before you commit to a relationship that starts online. Below is a escription of their methods for entrapping men.

There are two types of Russian dating agencies: those that sell contact details to male clients, and those that have ladies in their database and suggest to men to write to them using their mail systems.

The first type of agency is the ideal place for such scammers to spin their web of deceit. Firstly they place a really good photo there, and many men of course write to their home address. Later on we will see what happens after letters start to flow, but please note that not all agencies delete the profiles of these "beauties" when clients complain about their tactics. Unfortunately though, in many cases men don't complain for the fear of not wanting to appear foolish for being taken in by a scammer - they don't want to feel foolish.

The second type of agencies, the subscription type, works in a different way.

How do scammers operate?

1. Firstly - beware of a GREAT photo on the site. Do not fool yourself. Having a photo says nothing about it belonging to the person responding. We do the checking of girls' information here in St-Petersburg by clients' requests, and I from time to time asked to verify "these Russian girls". They were usually men, who made scamming their profession, or who use their mother's or girlfriends' real name and surname needed for postal address to receive money through Western Union. There is no way you can know that the name of a woman you get is not a Russian girl of 20, but a Russian woman f 52, who is just asked by her son or neighbor to go and get money in Western Union office from time to time "for his business".That is the main problem in combating scammers online. While we can place a warning in the scam lists about a name/photo combination being part of a scam, they just find another picture, register another e-mail address, take another name, and they are ready to continue to "work". Many are men, and they know what men fall for; they know the nature of a man better than any women knows, and they know how to make a man lose his head. But now that you have read this, you will see immediately when a scam begins to unfold before you. You are forewarned, and you are now armed with invaluable information.

2. The next step in the scam is the "direct" approach - to make a man leave the site's experienced staff, and to begin to write to her private email. Scammers understand that if they begin to work their scam in the site's system or directly on the site, they will be immediately thrown out by the site's owners and other men warned. So they need to disassociate a man from the site's staff and focus their attention exclusively on themselves.

How is it done? In fact the method is a signature that gives them away, because it is always the same. The scammers write to a large number of men. The letter can be large or small, but after some small talk there is an nvitation to write to "her" email directly. If you are standing in the street, and a very nice and interesting girl comes to you and invites you to go with her to a dark alley, will you go???? I think, no, at least, not in all cities. you will realize that you have nothing to wait in those dark alleys except problems Of course, if you have talked with the girl face to face; had a walk with her, and began to feel her personality, moods, and nature; if you begin to feel interested in her and to fall in love with her, then yes, you will want to meet with her directly and intimately, kissing and whispering sweet little nothings to each other. However I doubt this will happen on your first meeting, so why should it happen after one letter? When a girl gives her email in the first letter to you, beware. This is a warning sign for me. I will be grateful if you can write to the managers of the agency so that we can pay more attention to this girl, and try to check her credentials immediately. Another interesting observation is that they almost never take the test on our site. They seem to be afraid that it will detect their true nature, so they shy away from it. Let's imagine that you follow the girl's request, and write to her direct email. What should be her next steps?

3. Exchanging letters with "her" is the next step in the scam. It's interesting that in the several last cases of detected scam the "girls" wrote to the men that they work as nurses or doctors in clinics, but maybe it is a coincidence and they can invent different professions. I know of a case when a man and a "girl" exchanged 38 letters in 38 days before the next step, so it depends on the case, but would you believe that a doctor or nurse has the time to write letters daily? These scammers are good psychologists, and it can depend on the individual they are trying to scam. What then are the warning signs?

4. The next warning sign is that the "girl" does not want to give you her telephone number. You will be told that yes, she can communicate each day with you over the Internet (or use the Internet at work), but she has no telephone. Yes, they understand that you want to hear her voice, and in many cases, they will take your telephone and call you, but you won't be able to call her, not at work, and not at home.

5. Another warning sign is that you will be told about her love for you very quickly in the relationship. You can expect to have an acknowledgement of love already in the second letter.

6. So now we are ready for the "close". The "girl" thinks that you are ready (especially on ICQ where things start to happen very quickly), and she makes her next move. Sometimes she will say that her friend has a man in Spain, Italy or Germany, and this friend went to Spain and met her man there. Now you are ready for the "close", when she says that she wants the same trip, but with you. She wants to come to the USA "and have two wonderful weeks alone with you". What the two of you will do together will be outlined in great detail, including dancing the first evening, and hiking the next day and so on. There is usually a lot of discussion what you will do together, where you will go, how wonderfully you will spend these two weeks. What man can refuse such an offer?

7. Of course next she asks for the money to go to Moscow, to apply for a visa and buy tickets to the US. In some cases, she can ask for US$1500, and in some cases she can say that she has half the money and so "only" needs the second half. It will depend on her "budget". Be aware that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A RUSSIAN WOMAN TO GO TO USA so easily - COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE. That is usually when I come on the scene. Many men have heard about it, and know it well, so when a woman begins to ask for money to be in the US in two weeks, they come to consult with me about possibilities. We usually do the girl's identity check straight away and find that all of her story is a fake. I have investigated several such cases, and I am now sure that it can't be my mistake or the girl's innocence and naivete. If a girl asks you for money to go to the USA - Do not fool yourself. She is not an innocent and a bit silly girl who does not know the realities of life. She (as a rule, he) is a thief who is after your money. If you offer to come to her and meet her in her home town, she will refuse point blank, and will insist on her coming to you.

There is only one way to stop these scams. If all men stop sending them money they will stop their "business". If you find yourself in this situation stop communicating with her immediately. Tell the agency about her. For now they can't be stopped by a scammers' list, but only by men realizing their true identity, and not sending money. Deny them what they are after and that will be the best way to make your mark on the fight to clean the online dating industry of scams.

Accident scamming scenario

The beginning of this scenario is the same as Main Travel scenario. An interesting blonde with model photos or with usual photo but looking for partner for Love of any age (from 18 to 99), talking a lot about love, sincerity and honesty, writes to a man. If it is a dating sites where email addresses are sold then she will put model photos that will attract many men, all of them will receive the standard reply and the work began. If it is the site like yahoo, match, American singles she will be very active there, she will be online often, and gather, gather men to work with. (sometimes they work for 24 hours - 3 shifts possibly). The scammers then set about establishing intimacy by using pet names and many times claim that the destiny leads them together. They quickly declare love and express a strong desire to be physically present with the men, almost in each letter discussing what they will do together. The scammers are very devoted to the men and send romantic messages sometimes up to 20 times a day and use more and more revealing photos. So the beginning is standard. Then they exchange messages, sometimes it can take even a year - scammers see the readiness of their victims and then begin the next stage. Again victims are lured by a possibility to see soon the girl at their home. Very often scammers are going to the man or a man should visit her soon. And then something happened. They or their relatives go into a car crash or they get ill and need an operation urgently. The declaration of love and excuses alternate with requests for money. Of course, after money is sent, they disappear immediately.

Quick variant of main scamming scenario

The beginning of this scenario is the same: as Main Travel scenario. They use the same pictures, they use the same several steps, but they do not want to spend month or months in communication, they want to do it quick. They also use the motive of men to be good and not to ditch suffering females. After they establish a contact with a man - 1-2 or several letters, they notify that they are going already to a man (of course moved by Love).

1 variant. They come to Moscow and "going" then move further to the man's home city. There they see that their money is out (either they did not expect that the flight to Moscow is so expensive or they have to pay a lot for hotel there , but to continue their trip to their man they need money. Of course, they will return them when they can. They are going to work in USA or in other country; they just need money to get there. A man is in hard dilemma - what to do? The girl that was going to him is in alien city, without money, without relatives. She asks him quickly to send her money to do something and "she can't wait" as hotels are very expensive in Moscow. He even does not have time to research what is happening, he is moved by a desire to help. She suggests him to send her money to a person in Moscow (think!!! If she does not have anyone in Moscow how can ask to send money to somebody. Even more interesting it seems a variant where she asks a man to send money to her bank account. Can you imagine a girl from Yoshkar-Ola or Kazan or any other city from not central city to have bank account (funny - to a man's name ) . I live in the second biggest city in Russia- St-Petersburg, but I do not know any girl even here who has bank account where somebody can send money. So you send money not to suffering female but to a criminal group in Moscow.

2 variant.They have a chance of a life to travel to the man's city - their girl-friend works in a travel agency or a relative works there, so they can help with this. But they need money now. Of course, they can pay half of the sum and think it is fair to ask a man to pay the second half. It is fair but ... a girl is not going anywhere, she is just after his money. Very often the girl does not ask for money herself, a man receives a letter from "travel agency" where he is asked to send money for the ticket and visa. That's why it is so difficult to catch scammers - they can tell you their different names and surnames and have different email addresses but then they ask to send money to the third name (Western union or bank account).

The newest Nigerian scamming scenario

I run not only dating site with Russian girls but also dating sites for disabled people from all over the world. The last year or so there many people from America began to register.

But something was wrong about them. A young beautiful (model photos) girl of 27 registers to disabled site, writes that she does not have any disability but she wants to find real life, it does not matter if her chosen one will be a disabled and if he will be 60 she is tired of loneliness.

Many ip addresses in spite of the address written in their profiles showed that they are from Nigeria, others show that they are from USA or Israel or Canada but in some time they thought it is safe not to go through a server -anonimizer and went from local ip- Nigerian. We just did not activate such profiles or closed them later. But then I was contacted by people who explained this kind of scam. They met these scammers on the sites that do not do ip address checking and allow them to operate on their sites. These people , men and women alike, use great pictures (model kind, very sexy and nice), men and women agree to meet anyone between 18 and 60 or 70 and they are very active. They again try to move the man away from moderated sites to private emails or chats. In some time of communication when they see that their victim is ready (talks about marriage, or fell in love) they write that they need to go to Nigeria on some short term project. (or they were in Nigeria when the communication began but soon they will come back. Then they just want to go quickly to their beloved, and they ask for their help. They can ask directly for money but more often they ask an innocent sounding request to cash a cheque/postal order for them. Interesting, but in August 2006 I have heard from a man that he was a subject to this kind of scam from Russian girl, who also asked him to cash a cheque for her so that she could come to him. They claim that these are work related cheques that they haven't been able to cash due to the different banking system in Nigeria (or Russia). A man asked to send her money to Nigeria by Western Union or Money Gram. In fact, these cheques are forged or stolen. But they will eventually get rejected by the issuing banks.

Gift scamming scenario

The previous scenarios are rarely done just by separate people (women or men), usually it is done by groups of Internet scammers. But this scenario is used by real girls, real women. A man finds a girl on a dating site (there is nothing in her profile except wonderful pictures and readiness to communicate with all men that write to them) and after some communication when rapport is established, he comes to visit her. The first meeting is often great, they talk, they have much in common. During the next meeting she suggests to go with her to the shops and choose there a clothes of a bag for her. There is nothing suspicious in her request. And the victim goes with her to the shops. The girl does not go to cheap or average shops, it should be always lux. There she chooses a very expensive bag or fur coat or even the whole set of clothes (an evening dress, jewellery to it, a fur-coat and boots and she expects a man to approve it. After that she comes to the counter and waits for him to pay for all the things. The man feels very uncomfortable. Usually in such shops they are the only buyers, and all the shop staff helps her to choose clothes so when they come to the counter he feels all the eyes looking at him and expecting him to pay. Some can refuse (tell her that he needs first to call to the bank for the purchase to be approved) , some can't and feel obliged to pay. If the purchase was done then the next and the following days the girl is very busy and can't meet. If not, then the next day he is under her bombarding with the request to pay for the purchase (the shop assistants are calling to her about it all the time according to the legend). What is best to do in this situation? Refuse and leave her. If you know that it is a problem for you then just refuse to follow her to the shops. Wait for her outside, in a cafe. If she is interested only in a gift from you, then after such thing she won't meet you again and just disappear.

Restaurant or accommodation scenario

It is similar to previous scenario. A man falls in love and comes to meet her in her city. Money is spent on the traveling, expectations are high (they had wonderful communication with her before his visit). Accommodation scenario begins before his visit.

The girl-scammer suggests him to live in a good apartment she knows. Usually he is promised that they live there together and so she can the right to choose a place to live also.

She refuses his variants and insists on her own. When he comes he is asked for all the money for the apartment to be paid in advance and the price for it is usually higher than the average apartment rent. Then the girl disappears, she answers the phone but she is busy, busy, busy. And the man is left in the apartment with nothing to do and nobody to be with, just waiting for her. This scenario is rather rare, I met it only with Lithuania scammers, but who knows maybe someone else is operating it. Restaurant scenario does not show itself until a man actually comes to visit the girl-scammer. She usually writes in her profile that she does not know English, and to the meeting she invites her girl-friend. Usually she insists that they go to the restaurant for the meeting. There something strange is happening. They talk and take something to drink (very little) but the bill is huge. Then they go by taxi to his apartment (they see him home) and then the taxi should take them to their houses. And again the taxi-drivers asks for a lot of money, more than usual. Usually they just agree in the restaurants (clubs) and with taxi-drivers to take more and then divide the profit. If the man can demand explanation in the restaurant, then they just try to eat as much as possible there and leave. But many men just feel uncomfortable to make a row about money in the presence of girl they like. Both scenarios this and Gift scamming scenario are rather rarely used. Why? Men actually meet the girl, and she can't use the different photos on different sites, so when a man puts her to scammer list, she is sually thrown away from many dating sites and many men learn in some time about their listing there and are forewarned. It is in travel and visa scenario scammer artist can use different names, different pictures to lure men and they can change them as often as they want. But these girls have to stop their scamming career in some time from several months to a year.

From communication with people about scamming and scammers.

Charles to Irina

Dear Irina, could you check this one for me please, she seems sincere, but I dont know. thanks.

From: winter_nancy77

Subject: About the future!

Hi my dear Will I am glad Will, that in our relations there is a promotion and we became more close people. I tell often about you to my parents and friends. They hope, that will get acquainted with you someday. Will they insist, that I would acquaint you with them, my parents are especially. I have told him, that i seriously treat you Will, also that you the good person. You know Will, that parents always wish children only good and are pleased, when their children are happy in all. By the way my dad loves fishing and right now he goes pleased here and speaks, that now he has person, which can be invited for fishing. I laughed for a long time and i have told to him, that I do not know, would you like it and that he early is pleased. And know, what he did answer? he has told, that in the summer he will make for you good fishing tackle also he will learn you to cook good fish soup. And did you tell to close people about me? What they have opinion? inform me please it. You have any plans concerning our relations? I think, that for us will be very much it is good, if we can spent some time together. It will be to strengthen our relations and will help us to learn better each other. Probably the next month we can meet. For example in Europe or the other place. Understand me correctly Will, i cannot yet to invite you here to me. I live at the parents and for theYour browser may not support display of this image. present not enough I know you for this purpose. We had only messages and I think, that it is better for us to meet in the another place. I very much would want to be alone with you, to see you and a touch to you! Dear so we can make full opinion of us to learn about many things. Let's be to discuss it Will . I wait for your opinions, I miss you i kiss you. Yours Nancy.

Irina to Charles

Hello Charles, I am sure that it is a scammer. Everything speaks about it. 1. The letters are pre-written, and no discussion of your words anywhere. 2. the photos seem to be scammer like- she seems to be from scammer group in Yoshkar-ola 3. I doubt any real Russian girl will tell her parents about her acquaintance in internet so early and to her friends 4 the language is scammer like. 5. she suggests to meet in Europe. If she would tell her parents and friends, there would be no problem in you coming there. But ... she prefers you to send her money for the ticket and visa. Best regards, Irina

Antonio to Irina

Hello gentleman: Ever since viewed her profile for the first time immediately was attracted by this Russian woman. Her username is Finerose. Asked her if she was willing to cancel web page dating account we contacted from if things turns out to be more seriously what in fact she did. The problem is that she asked me to send her money for traveling expenses. Offered her fiance visa since am from Puerto Rico which is USA territory. She never replied an opinion about it. Puerto Rico men believe we should make a woman feel we wants her to be part of his life. We believe that a way to show interest to share lives together is by showing careness about her personal life. That is why had been very willing to answer her anything she wanted to know about me.I also had given proof of everything I answered. Unfortunatelly feel she does not want to share her life with me. since she have not answer yet questions I made about her personal life. Only condition to send her the money.I still consider her as a stranger. Do not know how she has the guts to ask me for money? We have been emailing each other since June 21 and already have 22 of her pics. None of them are her parents present.She indicated on first email live with them at a apartment. Suposedly father is 58, construction worker and mom is 55, housewife. Svetlana even wrote that father was happy since already found someone to fish together with.Messages sent between us totals 75. Would like you to do the scam investigaion for me. 

From: lonely_angel_women

HI Antonio ! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. Antonio You e-mail means for me, that I too was interesting to you.

You Really Antonio, see a picture of me nice? - OK, in the following Messages I shall send you other pictures of me. Antonio, at me is present to you It is a lot of questions and I would like to ask them in the messages, I hope you Will allow to me answers to them - OK? You for me the nice person, And on this for me it is important to know your opinion on some things.

I think, that you read my structure and could see there, that I haves serious intentions to get acquainted with the good person for relations . I shall try to tell a little about my character. I do not know how to start it, I think, that I very romantic person. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me Good humour. I very much appreciate such qualities in people, as fidelity and honesty. I believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected. I very much The jealous person. I adore, when to me pay compliments and is ready to listen to them indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness and the order, I frequently am engaged cleaning. Also to me to like to prepare for a meal, various tasty things. It is pleasant to me romantic relations between the man and The woman, but probably all women dream to get acquainted with good The person to have with him beautiful romantic relations. But frequently such things come to an end Very quickly. I have no intention to spend myself on such acquaintances. While I have not met In the life of such person to which I would decide to give myself and the life. But me it would be desirable to find such person. I think, that for the woman the main thing to have in a life not Career or other success, and strong family and the favourite person beside what to care of him. Tell please, you dream to meet what woman in the life? Excuse Antonio, that I ask you to discuss such frank thing with The person whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to know It about you. I have shortly written to you my outlooks on life if to you there will be it interesting, That we can discuss these themes in more detail then. I shall wait for yours e-mail. Yours faithfully Svetlana.

From: lonely_angel_women

Hi Antonio. It is pleasant, that you studied my some ideas in the last message. Antonio, I usually do not tell about the deep ideas and opinions, but to you has written, because has felt desire to open it to you. I more independent woman, but probably sometimes am necessary that there was one man, which can to open and trust - sometimes frequently it happens hardly to reflect on all these things. I am glad, that has found at you understanding me, you see it happens not frequently. Thank Antonio , that you have written to me some details about your life and family, I closely studied it. It has helped me more well to understand you and your life and you become closer man . Antonio It is time to me to go to do some businesses and it is necessary to meet the friends. By the way I told by him, that got acquainted with you, and parents too. Have good day. I wait for your letters. Yours Svetlana.

From: lonely_angel_women

Dear !!! Why you do not answer my letters, I write you, but I do not receive from you the answer. Why??? Please inform the ideas concerning our dialogue! I have the most serious relations concerning you, I do not understand why you ask me, I sincerely wrote all my letters. I very much hope that our relations will grow and will be better!!! Your Svetlana.

From: lonely_angel_women

HI Antonio ! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. Antonio You e-mail means for me, that I too was interesting to you.

You Really Antonio, see a picture of me nice? - OK, in the following Messages I shall send you other pictures of me. Antonio, at me is present to you It is a lot of questions and I would like to ask them in the messages, I hope you Will allow to me answers to them - OK? You for me the nice person, And on this for me it is important to know your opinion on some things.

I think, that you read my structure and could see there, that I haves serious intentions to get acquainted with the good person for relations . I shall try to tell a little about my character. I do not know how to start it, I think, that I very romantic person. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me Good humour. I very much appreciate such qualities in people, as fidelity and honesty. I believe in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected. I very much The jealous person. I adore, when to me pay compliments and is ready to listen to them indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness and the order, I frequently am engaged cleaning. Also to me to like to prepare for a meal, various tasty things. It is pleasant to me romantic relations between the man and The woman, but probably all women dream to get acquainted with good The person to have with him beautiful romantic relations. But frequently such things come to an end Very quickly. I have no intention to spend myself on such acquaintances. While I have not met In the life of such person to which I would decide to give myself and the life. But me it would be desirable to find such person. I think, that for the woman the main thing to have in a life not Career or other success, and strong family and the favourite person beside what to care of him. Tell please, you dream to meet what woman in the life? Excuse Antonio, that I ask you to discuss such frank thing with The person whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to know It about you. I have shortly written to you my outlooks on life if to you there will be it interesting, That we can discuss these themes in more detail then. I shall wait for yours e-mail. Yours faithfully Svetlana.

From: lonely_angel_women

Hi Antonio. It is pleasant, that you studied my some ideas in the last message. Antonio, I usually do not tell about the deep ideas and opinions, but to you has written, because has felt desire to open it to you. I more independent woman, but probably sometimes am necessary that there was one man, which can to open and trust - sometimes frequently it happens hardly to reflect on all these things. I am glad, that has found at you understanding me, you see it happens not frequently. Thank Antonio , that you have written to me some details about your life and family, I closely studied it. It has helped me more well to understand you and your life and you become closer man . Antonio It is time to me to go to do some businesses and it is necessary to meet the friends. By the way I told by him, that got acquainted with you, and parents too. Have good day. I wait for your letters. Yours Svetlana.

From: lonely_angel_women

Dear !!! Why you do not answer my letters, I write you, but I do not receive from you the answer. Why??? Please inform the ideas concerning our dialogue! I have the most serious relations concerning you, I do not understand why you ask me, I sincerely wrote all my letters. I very much hope that our relations will grow and will be better!!! Your Svetlana.

Irina to Antonio

Hello Antonio, She is a well known scammer. You can go yourself to google and type there "Svetlana Startseva scammer" and you will find her reported a lot or her email (it was not used often, so only one report about this email address). The Mari-El from where "she " is is a scammers center at present. She is from that scammers group, No chances that she is real. Best regards, Irina

Ken to Irina

Hi, Please find attached a letter from a woman who claims to be Irina Zaharova, 34 yrs old, at the address she has given in this email. We have been corresponding since June when she contacted me via another dating site and I would like to meet her, I have sent some money and she claims to have gone to Moscow and got her tourist visa, but now need ?1500 to enter the UK. This together with a reference to "Spasskie gate insurance" got me doing some more checking, it was then I came across your site! I would be grateful if you could let me know if I am another victim of a scam as soon as possible as she says she will be coming to the UK in just over a week! thank you for your help Ken

From: lonely34moon

Subject: A kissssssss !!!!

Hello again!!! My loved Ken I write to you as promised after visiting bank. I have visited bank, whether to learn works for us Western union. After visiting the Internet of cafe I at once have directed to bank. I was interested there about a remittance. To me have told, that Western union in our bank works. I do not understand anything in a remittance, therefore I had to learn much from employees who work in this bank. To receive translation for me it is necessary to have my proving my identity. And for you it is necessary to know my address. I send you my address: Russia, the Samara area, the city of Osinki, Lenin's street, the house 56, an apartment 8.446237 I think to you it it will be necessary to make for me translation. I i?tym wish to arrive to you and to be together with you my loved. For me it is very important to have you beside because I am tired to live in loneliness, knowing that you so is far from me. I hope your help will arrive soon to me and I can start to do documents for arrival to you. As soon as you will send for me means, I shall go to travel agency to do documents which are necessary for arrival to you. I shall search for means a little bit even to make advantage, to make my arrival to you. I miss on you and your letters. To me is warmer when your letters with me and I feel less lonely. When you can help for me? For me every day expectations to last it is a lot of my loved. I wish to be only with you Ken... With love Irina

Irina to Ken

Hello Ken, I need some more information. What for does she need ?1500 ? How much money have you sent to her to have visa to UK? Did she tell you she is going there by tourist visa or by invitation from you? Did she tell you if she was in Shengen before? Did she tell you that she went to Moscow to get an interview for her visa and now return back to her city? Best regards, Irina

Ken to Irina

Hi Irina, thanks for you prompt reply. I will try to answer your questions. 1 She claims she was told at the visa interview that she would need ?1500 to get through british immigration to support her on the tourist visa, she says she will return it to me on her arrival. 2 I have sent ?1000 for plane tickets, visa, insurance, travel to, hotels& meals in Moscow. 3 6 month Tourist visa, but staying with me, I have only sent the invite in emails to her. 4 Not sure what you mean by Shengen? 5 Yes she claims to have travelled to Moscow last Friday, it took her 12 hours on a bus. The interview for the visa took place at the British embassy on Saturday she is going to Spasskie gate insurance today and she is returning to Osinki by bus on Monday. Hope this helps you. regards Ken

Irina to Ken

Hello Ken, I am sure it is a scam (no chance she is real). There are too much lies. If she orders a tour to UK, then visa and plane tickets are included in the tour, and then it is not needed to have with her any money. She bought the tour and it is enouph. She can't have tourist visa to UK without a tour and a booking in the hotel. Just impossible.The invitation in a letter is not valid. And besides if she take your invitation and make a visit visa then no money again are needed to show at the immigration. The interview is not needed for tourist visa. Fiancee visa and some other need it ,but not tourist. During the interview they do not tell such things. She scams you. Best regards, Irina

Ken to Irina

Dear Irina, Thank you very much for your help, You have saved me some money, I must admit I was surprised that she was interested in me, but I had heard that young women in government jobs (she claims to be a primary school teacher), had very poor pay and were desperate to leave. Once again thanks for your help, Ken

Justin to Irina

The following four e-mails are the ones I'm unsure about. Her name is Alena, or "Enchantress" in the e-mail address. Everything seems to check out so far. No money has been asked for yet. I appreciate your help. Justin

From: Enchantress

Subject: Hello, this is me!!!

Hello!!! It was very nice to receive a message from you! it is my first time I try to correspond with a man in internet world. I hope you will be enough patient to understand my writing.

I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I don't have any secrets so you can ask about anything. The thing is that I will go to work abroad soon, I'm a registered nurse and I will have a special invitation to work over there and I would like to meet a nice man to be my guide or just be good friend to spend time with. I think that it is hard enough to live in foreign town without friends and also I have never been abroad.

I am from so small town here in Russia. I want to see real life and it is impossible to see without a person who knows all sides of the life. Last few years appeared a special program "Work and travel" for young people who wants to work abroad.
And many people from all over the world come to your country and it's possible to make good money over there!!! I also decided to do it! But I will have a special visa for nurses. I already started to register documents and now I need to decide in what city I want to work. I'm 25 years old and I'm not afraid of work. I think it is the right way for me, I am lost here, and I think that I look pretty enough to find a better place. Your browser may not support display of this image.I never been abroad so I decided to find a friend abroad and make his city to be my destination. Do you think it's possible to find a work as a nurse over there? I want to repeat the same way,it is my only chance to change my life. I am full of plans and different dreams. I have real blonde hair and grey eyes. I think I look very good, but first of all I want to be beautiful inside. I do hope that you will be not disappointed to meet me in the real life if we will meet. Well,I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply. I will leave my town in few days or so (I can't tell you everything exactly right now) and I would like to be sure that I have a man who waits for me there. I will work all day and I would like to find a man to spend all free time together to get to know each other better. if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet you too. Maybe it sounds silly but I just don't want to be alone in the evenings,and I want to be sure in advance that somebody waits for me! I think that my e-mail starts to be too long so I will tell you all details about me and my life that you would like to know in next e-mails if you will like my pictures and will want to meet me! I'm sending few usual pictures for you!!!!!!!!! By the way, this is my personal e-mail address, so pls write me here ok?

My best regards, Alena

Justin to Alena

Hi, this is stu2cool responding to your e-mail on singlesnet. My real name is Justin. When do you plan on visiting the United States? I am very interested in learning a lot more about you. Please send some pictures if they are available. I hope to hear from you soon, Justin

From: Enchantress

Subject: more photos

Hi, this is me again. Sorry I forgot to write you my height. It's 5.5. There is a saying in Russia (please don't think it's serious, it's almost a joke) - small women are made for love and tall women are made for work. I'm not tall but I don't think I'm short either )) I hope my height is OK for you. I finished my work only one hour ago and I'm very tired now. I will write you everything tomorrow. Sorry this will be short, I'm so tired now. I hope you will be at least my friend when I come over there soon! I'm sending more pics, they are just usual pics, I didn't pose there. I just don't have another photos now. I will scan more photos for you tomorrow, if you want I can scan some photos in swimming suit. Let me know. I will write again tomorrow............ Almost sleeping Alena....

From: Enchantress

Subject: More things about me!

Justin! Hello again! I'm very happy to receive an answer from you!

Thank you so much! It's nice to receive the pics from you!!! I'm not sure what I'm looking for. I'm new in internet dating and I just don't know what can I expect and if that is possible to have some kind of relationship in internet and then continue to build it in the real life. I'm not looking for any special qualities, just a good person!!!

But I really hope to create a serious relationship in my life. Of course I want to have a serious relationship but at least I want to have a friend to be not alone over there. I will come over really soon! I will tell you everything about my trip as soon as I have all confirmations about everything, I'm quite superstitious to tell about everything in advance. Sometimes when you tell everybody about your plans it never works out. So I will write you about everything in about 2 days. I was abroad only one time in my life, I was in Egypt last year. I will send you some photos from there next time. My sister and her husband presented this trip to me for my birthday last year. My birthday is May 21.
As I wrote you I'm 25 years old. I have many hobbies. One of them is bowling (you can see it from my photo I'm sending today). Also I like to sew clothes, that dress from the last pic I made by myself. It's a lot cheaper to sew clothes then to buy it. As for sports I'm too lazy to go to a gym or do aerobics. I like swimming! It helps me to be in a good shape. And sometimes I go to aqua aerobics, I like it much more then usual aerobics! And it's very good for women to do aqua aerobics because it helps to avoid cellulite. So I'm in a good shape and I have very good skin )) I'd been working as a nurse in a hospital. But this work is not well paid here in Russia and usually nurses here work 24 hours without any stopping. I liked my work, I like to help people but I didn't like work conditions in our hospital so now I work at the same hospital but on reception, I communicate with people who come here.
My height is 5.5 as I told you, I'm not sure what is my weight. You see I'm not fat! I live in the city near Tumen (I'm not sure how to write it in English), it's Tumenskaya oblast. You have states over there (I think so) and we have oblast (it's like districts). Tumen is a big city and I live in the city called Ugorsk and work in Tumen. Ugorsk is almost like a village but it's so close to Tumen, only several minutes by bus so I do all shopping and everything in Tumen. I graduated Tumen Medicine Academy last year. I live with my mom. My father died seven years ago from the cancer. And maybe that's why I decided to start my medical career. OK I don't want to speak about sad things any more.

My mom is 61 years old, my sister is 35 years old, she lives in Ugorsk, she is married and has two kids a boy and a girl. My mom lives in a wooden house. I wrote my city is like a village and everybody who lives near us are good friends and they help my mom so she is not alone. I'm not at home very often because I work hard. Sometimes I work 14 hours without any stopping. I don't have any time for private life. I want to go to your country and to try to start a new life over there. As I told you I will write you more about it later. Of course I will miss my family but I asked my mom and she said she will be happy if I start my life and create a family. Please tell me more about your city and life over there, I think I can come over there. Do you think it's possible to find a work as I nurse over there? I will check it. You can send me a postcard if you want: Russia, Ugorsk, Lapina 17. I'm not sure how long does it take to deliver it, maybe I will already leave Russia. OK I have to go home, I'm so tired. I have a computer at home but no internet. I would be happy to talk to you by phone someday, I can speak English, although I'm so nervous to talk to you! I hope we will have no problems in communicating! Also I write English by myself without any dictionary. I'm sending three pics: me in bowling center, and two of them from my work. A woman on a pic is my sister Anna, she came to visit me at my work. We look like each other but she is not as slim as me because she already has two kids and her dream now is loose some weight! I think she is still beautiful! I like my work very much! And rules over there are not that strict as in some office job as a secretary or something like that! Sometimes I can even wear slippers, I like my pink slippers and they are very comfortable!!!! Please tell me more about your work and hobbies!!!!!!! Kisses! Alena

From: Enchantress

Subject: few pics I hope you will like them!!!

As I promised I'm sending you my photos in swimming suit! I hope you will like them!!!! Sorry I look so confused on my pics! I'm so shy to be photographed in a swimming suit! I always think if I look good or now and I hope I don't look fat! Now I have to go to buy a present for a birthday of my sister she will be 36 tomorrow. I really have to go or all shops will be closed soon. I will write you more as soon as I can. I'm in a hurry now! Oh I forgot to ask you if you have any Airport in your city? Maybe you know it's initials (I don't know the right word). Maybe it's called city code. The code of Tumen Airport it (TJM) Ok I have to run! Bye-Bye!

Irina to Justin

Hello Justin, Very interesting case. Please keep me informed later. I can't solve it now !!! 1. The letters are very probably standard - pre-written. (no mentioning of what you have written to her) and even no names. 2.I do not like that she asks what is your city and the airport and that she can choose it. As far as I know these programs- a person can't choose there where he is going to work. A medical hospital or another institution agrees to pay for him (his visa and so on) and then all the paper work is done and he/she is sent to that place. I can't imagine how it can be possible for 2 weeks (all this paper work) and she can choose now where to go. It is very scammer like!! It is much more complicated than that. 3. I could not check her address, as this city is too small and no maps or databases about it are available. 4. The style of letters are normal, not scammer like with a lot of love in the second letter. I can't 100 percent for sure tell that she is a scammer, though I think the probability of it is about 65-75 percent. Best regards, Irina

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