Lust And Love







Worldly love means that you make me feel good

Most people mistake lust for love; and when one says to their spouse, I love you, they often mean, I love the way you make me feel. Love never ends or turns off, but lust fades away quickly.
If a woman loves her man, she will never stop loving him nor will she ever wish something bad upon him. Even if the husband cheats on her, beats her and steals the household money, the truly loving wife will never stop loving her husband. Though in this scenario, it would be highly advised that she separate from such ungodliness and take the children if any exist. But even then, she can never stop loving him if she truly loves him; for love can not stop. In fact, her prayer should be that God would soften her husband's heart unto repentance and that he could be taken from the path of darkness and set back on the true path. But at no point should she say, I hope that bastard suffers and dies for what he did. Nor should she say, I will never forgive my husband. For the children of God are always ready to forgive and never do they wish evil upon anyone. And our prayer for all our brothers and sisters is that they repent, for it is not God's Will that any of His children should perish, but that all may obtain eternal paradise.
Note that forgiving does not mean forgetting. Because the wife who forgave her husband for cheating and beating should not be so quick to take him in and forget what he has done to her and the children just because he says that he has changed and that he really means it this time. Accordingly, she should wait until she sees the signs and fruits of true repentance before she allows him back into her life or the children's life. And even if he never shows any signs of changing, but continues in his evil path, do not let anger rest in your heart because vengeance is God's and everyone will be repaid for their deeds.


The True lover never stops loving

True love can never stop because a friend loveth at all times. His love will not stop just because his wife has done horribly.
Love worketh no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
LOVE IS THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW because every single one of God's laws & rules are designed for one thing and one thing alone: love and how to love each other more. God has not set up one rule at all that is designed to cause anger against one another or confusion.
One can not be a true lover unless he knows the laws and Will of God.
The true lover never abandons his wife even if he has to leave her due to her evil and unchanging ways. But he continues to love her for he can not stop loving her. And if he has excess, he continues giving to her when she needs because he loves her.
But never love your wife more than God. Who should you love more; your wife or He Who created and gave you your wife?
He that loves father or mother more than God is not worthy of God: and he that loves son or daughter more than God is not worthy of God. And he that loves his wife more than God is not worthy of God.
Those who put their trust not in God but in their husband or wife, are setting themselves up for failure because God and God alone shall we trust. Vain is the help of man and vain is he who says of his wife, I live for her as she is everything to me. For if you make her out to be everything, then you will only be the more disappointed when she fails. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And this is how many fights start because of the expectations of each other and the lack of effort to give and forgive always.
The true lover humbles himself before God and trusts in God alone. And in turn, God the Father of all creation guides the true lover in the ways of love.
The true lover is always ready to hear criticism; for he has a God Who will guide him in evaluating whether the counsel is of God or of the critic's own earthly lusts.
The more abundantly the true lover loves, the less he is loved.
The true lover will tell his wife the truth because faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceit.
If a man say, I love God and hate my wife, he is a liar: for he that loves not his wife whom he has seen, how can he love God Whom he has not seen.
The true lover loves his enemies and blesses them that curse him, and does good to them that hate him, and prays for them which despitefully use him and persecute him.

You shall not hate your wife in your heart: you shall always guide her, and not allow sin upon her. You shall not avenge, nor bear grudge against your wife, but you shall love her as yourself. And likewise the woman, her husband.


Looking for your soul-mate

First, God took woman out of man A?a‚¬aˆ? they were one living soul the man and the woman: hence, soul mate.
Then Lord Jesus came and ascended to heaven and anointed each individual, man and woman, with their own soul and spirit, separate, becoming two souls.
There is no longer a soul mate, for each soul is whole and complete, needing not man nor woman to complete it.

Stop looking for your soul mate, and show love unto your spouse with love and kindness as your own flesh.


Good They say, If it feels good, it must be right

Truth is: The flesh desires many things destructive to the mind and spirit

The worldly philosophy says of sex, do what feels good and just follow your instincts like the animals.
Animals follow their instincts and it suffices because they do not have the ability to reason and choose between right and wrong.
Man is not an animal; man has the ability to reason and choose. Unfortunately, his will is against GOD'S Will. Hence, doing what feels good to the flesh is usually wrong. ...Because man keeps doing what feels right to the flesh and not what is best for the spirit, GOD has given us laws on what is not appropriate and what is appropriate including many examples of godly love.
If man would have followed the first law, there would have been no need for any others.
But man broke that law and then he kept doing more and more wickedness. Accordingly, GOD wrote more and more laws through Moses and the Prophets. But if man never fornicated with animals, GOD would not have declared it to be abominable. Likewise, Homosexuality. And what is next? Does GOD have to send a prophet to tell these people that sex with children is abominable?

We have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and He liveth

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