Love Means Having To Say You Are Sorry

SORRY…A single word with five letters but very difficult to speak. Why? Why is it that most of us find it difficult at times to say a sorry! It takes courage to accept your mistake and say a “sorry”. All of us makes mistake, as we all are humans. No one can get away without making mistakes. We make mistakes and we learn from our mistakes but at times we make such mistakes that hurt others. We cannot undo what we have done but make it up with a single word SORRY and we are sooner or later forgiven for our blunder. But then why do we find it so difficult.

It all depends on our thinking our humility and the sense of right and wrong. Many of us feel insulted to say that we are sorry because of our ego. It is because we are self-centered people and do not think otherwise. We are engrossed in ourselves and hardly bother about others, our dear ones and our family. Come out of this “I” and “only me” and see the world changed around you. It feels good to say sorry and make your loved one smile.

When two people come together they talk, they love, they share and care but at the same time they do come in conflict or argument with each other. It is very natural and a part of our existence. If we agree on certain opinions at times we will definitely disagree on some other points. It is just impossible not to come in conflict or argument with your spouse. The important point here is not the argument or conflict you have but the aftermaths of it. An argument does not mean everything has ended. It is a part of life; w e should learn to cope up with it. Whenever you come into an argument or conflict with each other never fail to apologize if it is you who is the cause of conflict. Whoever is on the wrong should say sorry and with meaning. If possible try not letting the argument come to an extreme where it gets difficult to handle the situation. Say you are sorry before that. Many times while arguing or quarreling we realize our mistake and out of the self esteem in us find it difficult to apologize. This should never happen. If you are on the wrong never take time to say you are sorry. It will help your relationship to be a happy and long lasting one.

If you love your partner then learn to say sorry. Love means having to say sorry. If you want your relationship to be long lasting then learn to accept your mistakes and say sorry for the mistake made by you. It is hard but not impossible to say you are sorry. Have that courage in you to accept your mistake and say sorry and say it immediately before situations get worse. Be prompt and never hesitate to accept your fault and apologize. Feel good not bad to apologize. After all it takes courage to accept your mistake and should feel good about it.

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