Introduction To Seduction

Seduction is an art that many men and women wish to learn but few only can master the technique. The laws of attraction and seduction aren’t very complicated. They are a combination of the gut feeling and some social psychology that will give you what you are looking for. If you can understand the right technique and how seduction operates then you can have any women that you want.

Dressing The Part

Remember that you have to dress properly. Wear smart clothes. Remember that they should be clean and fresh clothes. Just think of the animal kingdom. Even males spruce up their look when they want to mate with the females. It’s an inherent thing that many men forget. You must smell and look good. Women like their men to be as well turned out as they are. It tells them that the males will take as much care about them (the females). Wearing smart clothes also infuses confidence in men. How many times have you seen women discarding a man if his shoes are sloppy or if the shirt is frayed? Women go for details and you can’t mess with them on this front. Wear good color combinations and don’t go overboard.

Pay Attention

Don’t be too talkative. More importantly, don’t keep talking about you self all the time. The idea is to seduce a woman not fill her with the most intimate details about yourself. Stop talking about office politics or your family. You may be from the blue blooded dynasty, but the dynasty isn't going to help you seduce a woman. It might impress her but not necessarily seduce her. Give her some space and let her talk too. You should be indisputably fascinated with her. If you are ready to talk to her and listen to you, 99% of the time, she will surely respond to you.

Be Thoughtful

You may have known your wife for ages or the office colleague for 5 years. It doesn’t matter. Everyone appreciate a gift especially something that’s thoughtful or has some sentiment attached to it. Remember that it evokes interest in you. Cards, perfumes, flowers, cinema and opera tickets, a mall scarf, etc. These gifts that you give her would tell her that you appreciate her. All the girls love it when they receive presents. The main idea behind this is to court them.

Move Slowly

You don’t have to be a bullet train and be fast. Take it from the top and take it slowly. Women don’t like been rushed. If you force them, they will just turn of and walk away. Seduction is the game of being patient. Women need some time to open up and have a conversation.

Be Creative

You should attempt to do something special. Watch a movie, take a walk or have dinner at the place where you first met. There are so many small things that you can do to become creative, just go with the flow and seduce the woman of your dreams.

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