How To Spank Your Child

Spanking is a disciplinary action that many parents do not know how to use correctly on their children. They either end up hitting their children too hard or do not spank them at all. Although it is not recommended by most of the psychologists, the act becomes inevitable when a child goes to the extent of crossing all the limits. Still, instead of reacting harshly, you should know how to make your child realize his/her mistake. With the tips given in the article, you will know how to spank your child in the correct way.

Guidelines For Spanking Your Children

Know The Spanking Offense

Before spanking your child, you should know what the offensive behavior really is. Spilling things, drawing on walls, bed-wetting, arguing with parents and crying are some of the normal childhood behaviors, which don't need you to use spanking. Open disobedience, lying and stealing are some of the acts that deserve such kind of punishment.

Show The Warning Sign

Do not go about spanking your child as soon as you spot him/her doing something wrong. Give him/her a warning sign, such as staring or saying stiffly that he/she will be punished if he/she repeats the act again. The child will then understand that you are going to warn him/her first and only if he/she does not listen to you will you spank him/her.

Teach The Limits

It is fair to tell the small kids what their limits are. You need to set the boundaries for them. This may sound a bit impolite, but when it comes to disciplining children, it is vital to tell them what they can do and what they cannot do. This will help them become honest and well-mannered.

Do Not Hurt Them

While teaching children their limits, make sure that you do not hurt them. Spanking should only be used if they repeat their mistake knowingly. Always use open hands to beat them. At the same time, ensure that you never hit them hard. Harsh treatment would not only injure them, but also make them feel humiliated.

Do Not Use Tools To Spank

Never use any kind of implements or objects for spanking your child. Apart from injuring the child, the "tools" could make them feel that they are being ill-treated. The next time you beat them, they will surrender to you not because they have understood their faults, but because you adopted a forceful method. Spanking with tools can create a panic in the children, and even hatred for you, hampering the bond that you share with them.

Do Not Punish In Front Of Others

Children feel insulted when they are punished in front of others. When the child misbehaves in a public place, say parties, you should not spank him/her. Instead, warn your child. If you feel that he/she is still not ready to listen to you, you may take him/her to an isolated area and hit him/her.

Do Not Spank Often

Last, but not the least, it is very important to know the frequency of spanking. You child may be very naughty, who repeats "offenses" time and again. Spanking would not cause him/her to do it less frequently. It would rather produce a counteraction. Your kid will get accustomed to the punishment and think that every time he/she does the wrong thing, he/she will only be spanked hard and then be allowed to go. Use spanking only as the last resort.

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