How To Quit Smoking

If you are feeling pressured to quit from an outside source, such as friends and/or family, and you don't really want to quit yourself, there's not really any reason to bother. Even if you manage to quit as a result of their pestering--well meaning or not, that's what it is--you will find yourself actively looking for reasons to blame them personally so you can relapse and start smoking again. It is the way addictions work.


1.Figure out whether you have a will to follow through. If you are weak-willed and have an addictive personality, you may want to work on that aspect first.

2.When you've finally decided that you can't stand the guilt, set a date and tell the person you are with that you are quitting. Let them know you need their support regardless of what you do. You will accomplish your goal with time and patience.

3.Prepare for quitting.

4.Slowly whittle down your habbit, aim for once a day

5.Go for 3 days without tobacco. After 3 days, you should have lost any urges to smoke, and are good to go.

6.Keep busy on your first day of not smoking. Throw any remaining cigarettes away, or give them to a smoker friend. Keep your gum/water handy. When day one is done, remember that today and the next week are going to be really hard. Treat yourself to an ice cream, but continue not to smoke.

7.Let your friends know you passed day two, three, a week, etc., of not smoking. Their praise will help.

8.For the first month, avoid social smoking gatherings, big parties and eating outdoors. Keep busy and remind yourself with each passing hour and day, that you are non-smoker! You are doing it!

9.After the first month, and maybe for the rest of your life, you will still think of how nice a cigarette will be after a good meal, but the thoughts are easy to repress. Your life as a non-smoker will be healthier and hopefully more enjoyable without the constant torment of being told not to smoke.


• Don't lie to your muse. If you sneak a cigarette, let them know. Don't hide your weaknesses.
• Think about the long run. If you need more help, ask for and seek it. Get patches, herbal supplements, or nicotine gum. Look up pictures of lung cancer victims and read stories from surviving families.
• Be proud of your willpower and ability to break a habit you enjoy!
• Many of us have developed associations between smoking and other activities like drinking alcohol or coffee. Do what you can to avoid those things you associate with smoking during that first month, or for as long as it takes for you. Don't test yourself until you're ready.
• Have something to snack on. i.e. keep a baggy of baby carrots with you for the day and have your healthy snack while filling/subsiding a craving.
• See How to Quit Smoking instead to get some ideas on why you might want to quit, for your own benefit. Remember you don't need to actually quit just yet, saying "yes, I would like to quit" is what you need to say first. When you quit you do all the work and you get all the credit. It is not about someone else. It is not about their reasons.

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