How To Manipulate People

The term manipulation refers to the act of influencing others in order to acquire control over them or manage them. Though, people take the term in the negative aspect only, there is positivism associated with manipulation as well. The latter scenario holds true in case where it is used to bring about positive changes in people or in relationships. Given below are ways of manipulating people for their own goodwill and of course, for the betterment of the relationships they share with you. Read on and learn how to manipulate people.

Be A Healthy Critic

Criticism is an element of life. However, it can deteriorate your relationship with others if it is done in an unhealthy, rather an insulting manner. If you want to manipulate people in order to bring about a positive change in them, it is better to be a healthy critic. This is especially applicable when you want to build a long-term relationship with them.


Paying timely compliments is the best way to motivate people to lead their life positively. Accolade them for all their achievements - small or big. The key here is to give compliments that seem and, in fact, are honest and sincere. When you bestow false praise, it is very easy to spot the insincerity in your words. This will lead to failure in your attempt to manipulate people.

Inspire Them

Inspiration is one of the essentials of the manipulating technique. Do not overwhelm people by giving long lectures about the do's and don'ts. Do not threaten or force them to do what you want. Rather, motivate them in small ways, to achieve big dreams. This could be in the form of an inspirational message, a thought or any other gesture that directs them towards doing things the right way. Make your goals theirs as well.

Show Interest

If you want to manipulate people to do things the right way, and the way you wish to be done, show real interest in them. Lend an ear to both their grievances and their desires. Make them feel that you care. If you manage to do this, they will be always ready to help you with your task.

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