How To Have Better Sexual Relationship

To have a healthy relationship you need to find out what could help you to maintain sexual excitement and intimacy in your relationship, no matter if you are married or just a couple? So to improve your relationship you need and want to improve your sexual activities in your relationship.

Here are 2 facts:

1. When making love men are basically having sex, simple straight and fast. Where women are focusing more on the love "word", emotions makes women reach orgasm. When I talk about women or men I refer to the most, like 90 percent well...95 percent or.., never mind

2. Men always had the perfect woman in mind, the face the body, the eye with each and every detail. He can "and will" full in love with deferent woman but that picture will keep being in his mined for ever, not being able to get the perfect woman, that causes an empty space in men sexuality. As a woman do not try to be the woman he dreamed of, but try to fill in the space.

Women also have the perfect ideal man, but they can easily replace that picture when they truly full in love. As a man do not try to be the man of her dream but make her love you more and more. That could be hard but possible when you focus on the small details; it is small in your point of view but very hug in hers.

And here are some tips I hope can be helpful:

1.Talk about sex, no one can tell you what your woman/men loves or hates, what are her/his Sexual Fantasies, what positions can make her/him reach an orgasm. So talk to each other, and try to know every thing about sexuality.

2. It is true that men think too much about sex, but this fact could be very positive in your lives if you know how to deal with it. Try to fulfill some of his fantasies.

3. Woman is like a flower she will shin in beauty when she gets what she need, and that is love. Send her flowers with out any occasion to her work, write her note, a love letter, surprise her and do what ever it takes to tell her you love her.

4. There is nothing wrong in watching an erotic movie together, try also to discus what you watch, to learn more about each other. One thing is wrong in watching erotic movies, it is to make love after 10 minutes of watching, try to watch the movie to its end and build up your excitement.

5. There are great sex guides on the internet, in a movie format, book or in membership websites and this last one is the best like Girls Sex Guide It is great to learn more, explore and take your relationship with your lover to higher level.

Your life is what you make it, the way you think, choices you make and it is short live it full happy but not selfish, try to make all around you especially your partner happy.

I spend an hour a day with my lover on the net together, laughing sometimes but exploring. It is great when you and your partner do something together like browsing the net.

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