How To Get Married


With its pink beaches, exotic gardens and historic buildings, Bermuda is a popular destination for weddings. More than half of the weddings that take place on the island each year involve couples from overseas.


The rules governing marriage in Bermuda are set out in the Marriage Act 1944 and are relatively straightforward compared to many other countries.M

There is no residency requirement. In order to obtain a marriage license, a couple must file a Notice of Intended Marriage with the Registrar General. This costs $200, along with a $20 fee for the certificate. The form is available from the registrar’s office or from the Bermuda Department of Tourism offices in the USA, Toronto and London. If either party is divorced, they must include a copy of their decree absolute with the form.

The notice must then be published in two local newspapers. If there is no objection, the registrar will issue the marriage license on the 15th day after application. It is valid for three months from the date of issue.


Once you have obtained your licence, you can begin looking at venues for your wedding ceremony and reception. If you’re unsure where to start, there are a number of wedding consultants on the island who can help plan your special day.

Civil wedding ceremonies are held in the Marriage Room of the Registry, which is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and on Saturdays between 10am and 12 noon. Two witnesses must be present and must be aged 18 or over.

Bermuda law also allows weddings in public places such as one of the island’s beaches, in the grounds of an historic house or at one of the island’s many hotels.

Bermuda boasts more churches per square mile than any other country so there are plenty of religious venues to choose from. There are, however, some rules to bear in mind for couples considering a religious ceremony. Divorced people cannot be married in any of the island’s Roman Catholic churches. Divorcees can sometimes arrange their wedding at the church of another denomination such as Anglican or Methodist. Catholics who do not normally reside in Bermuda cannot be married in a Catholic church except under exceptional circumstances such as those who have family ties on the island or have lived there previously.


There are a number of wedding traditions that have been followed by brides and grooms on the island for decades and will help make your day even more memorable.

Many local couples travel to and from their wedding by horsedrawn carriage - a traditional Bermuda Surrey with a uniformed driver at the reins.

Bermudian tradition dictates that both bride and groom have their own wedding cake. The groom’s is a plain pound cake decorated with gold leaf to symbolize wealth. The bride’s cake is usually a tiered fruitcake, representing fertility. It is decorated with silver leaf for purity and a tiny cedar sapling.

After the reception, the bride and groom plant the tree in a secret location and, according to tradition, the marriage will flourish as the tree grows.

Moongates are a particularly popular spot with newlyweds. The moongate originated in China but the design was brought to Bermuda by a sea captain in the 1860s. It was quickly adopted by other Bermudians and has become a symbol of the island.

According to tradition, couples make a wish as they walk hand-in-hand through the moongate and are granted happiness and good fortune during their marriage.

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