How To Get A Boyfriend

If you're looking for one special guy, consider following these tips to get a boyfriend.

1. Know what type of guy you're looking for. Make a list of traits that appeal to you, such as intelligence, looks, ambition, sense of humor, or respect for other people's feelings.

2.Resolve old hurts and disappointments. Make sure you're ready for a new relationship by setting aside any grievances about old boyfriends.

3. Attract the type of guy you're looking for by emphasizing your best features and downplaying undesirable traits. Make the most of what you have, both physically and mentally.

4. Learn how to make a guy feel good about himself by taking an interest in his life and his aspirations.

5. Consider any unattached guys at your school or work. Do any of them match the qualities that you want in a boyfriend?

6. Get involved in activities that you enjoy to give yourself the chance to meet new guys. Expand your horizons and your circle of friends.

7. If you have your eye on a certain guy, let mutual friends know about your interest in him. Ask someone you trust to discreetly tell him about your interest.

8. If you don't have the nerve to directly approach a guy who has caught your eye, consider being his secret admirer for a while. Send him sweet, anonymous messages or notes (with a few subtle clues about your identity) to let him know about your interest in him.

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