How To Find And Define A Partner

By Roger Millar

No one is perfect and everyone is perfect, having a lasting fulfilling relationship requires give and take, and a lot of love and a bit of lust. The more you love someone for who they are not what they are and what they have the more perfect they will be in your eyes.

Finding an ideal mate starts with us knowing what we want and being the best that we can be ourselves. When we have in our minds those two areas and are positive we will be in a place where we can attract our future partner and more importantly realize the opportunities when they come along.

For those who are looking for a mate, there are certain questions you should ask yourself and be able to answer and certain places you should think about going in order to increase your chances of finding your ideal partner. This is not an ideal science otherwise, it would not be a problem to so many people.

Below I will list a series of questions and also a list of suggestions although not exhaustive which will hopefully stimulate you into some positive action.


What type of person are you looking for?
What type of person are you?
what kind of relationship do you want?
Do you want to be the hunter or the hunted?
What do you have to offer a prospective partner?

Places where you can meet new people

In no particular order,
Bars, Clubs
Sporting events
Weddings, funerals, christenings
Places of worship
At work
Courses, classes, seminars
Dating agency, speed dating
Friend of a friend, blind date
Commuter buddies
Chance encounter

Look at the items in this list that you enjoy, or suggestions that appeal to you and try and put them into practice in your life. If you feel more comfortable take along a friend or family member to help you achieve some of the above suggestions.

Enjoy your life as much as possible and you will be in the right place at the right time, to meet your ideal partner. You will also become a more valuable catch in the eyes of the opposite sex.

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