How To Choose A Good Plastic Surgeon

There are two types of plastic surgery procedures such as cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. One is pursued by the patient to enhance the appearance of the body and the other is pursued to mend the deformities and birth defects. No matter what kind of plastic surgery one keep in mind, the foremost factor in its victory is the selection of a good plastic surgeon. Selection of an appropriate plastic surgeon is not a simple task and it should not depend on the emotional reasons and the cost.

There are various ways by which one can make a decision about the selection of a good plastic surgeon and they are:-


The patient pursuing plastic surgery should contact that person on whom the plastic surgery has already been performed. But one should not solely dependent on the friend’s experience. As the results of every patient is different from the other. The patient should only take the advice of the friend.


The family doctor can help the patient in suggesting a plastic surgeon. One can ask the doctor that how many patients he has referred to that plastic surgeon and what are the outcomes of that surgery.


One can call a well known hospital in their area and inquire about the names of the board qualified plastic surgeons from the staff of the hospital. One should make sure to ask the names of the particular surgeons pursuing different types of plastic surgery procedures.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons

One can visit their website which is an outstanding resource of finding the names of the specific plastic surgeons. One can also call on a toll-free number 1-800-635-0635. One can also look for the plastic surgeons by state, name or zip code on the website. The plastic surgeon should be a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery before performing the plastic surgery on any patient.

Special Directories

One can also find the names of the board qualified plastic surgeons scheduled by city and state in the various suggesting books which are available in most of the public libraries such as The Compendium of Certified Medical Specialists, The Directory of Medical Specialists and The American Medical Association.

Board Certification

Before undergoing plastic surgery, one should inquire about the plastic surgeon whether he or she is qualified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or not. It he or she is fully certified, then the patient can further contacts the plastic surgeon and discuss about the various essential information.

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