How To Be Angel Like For Girls

Look like an angel.

Do you want to appear angel-like and innocent, but not so angel-like people stare at you? If you want the balance between normal angel incorporated in your everyday outfit, then this is for you.


1.Try not to get in trouble; angels are supposed to be... well, angelic!

2.Wear white and other muted colors on daily basis; never wear black or anything too bold.

3.Be sweet and kind. Do good deeds everyday, and don't grumble about it.

4.Keep your hair natural; it would be very hard to pull of the angel look with electric blue hair.

5.Always stand up for people, whether they be friends or strangers. Be sure to never get physical, as that would be bad.


• At Zellers they sell earrings in the shape of angel wings.

• If you like rubber athlete bracelets try buying ones that are light colors and have the word angel written on them.
• Don't get too many piercings, one in each ear is fine. Tattoos are not always good too, unless they are temporary. Go for the young and girlish designs, and you'll be fine.
• Wear clothing that has angel written somewhere on them.
• Angels are not vulgar, so mind your language.

• Remember angels don't wear earrings.


• People may make fun of your new lifestyle, but just ignore them.

• Remember that angels aren't supposed to abuse anything, whether it's people, drugs, alcohol or otherwise.

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