How To Be A Better Communicator In A Relationship

Most arguments and misunderstandings come from a lack of communication. Knowing how to communicate better is a helpful tool when interacting with spouse or significant other.

Things You’ll Need:

• Open Mind
• Willingness to Change
• Patience
• Understanding
• An Ability to accept responsibility

Step 1:

Being a better communicator begins with the ability to listen. Be sure to hear what the other person is saying without responding or reacting in a way that suggests otherwise. Listening to a person shows them that you care enough to appreciate their perspective and ideas about anything.

Step 2:

As the other person is done expressing themselves, take a moment to think about what they said, not what you heard, and try to reiterate what you believe was said. Begin with something like; "What I heard you say was..., or, What I understood was... Once understanding is confirmed (maybe it will take more than once)take a moment to consider the truth of what they have said, and be willing to accept that they may be right.

Step 3:

Look at things from the perspective of the other person first. Always keep in the front of your mind, the love and reason why you are together. Try to speak to one another from a place where that love and affection can be shared and demonstrated with each word. Accept responsibility for whatever role you may have played in a situation. Never interrupt and always allow for the other person to take moments to pause and continue. Make sure they have completed their thought before speaking.

Step 4:

Always make eye contact. Be receptive to what the other person may be feeling. A hand to the shoulder, nod of understanding, anything that may assist in showing that you are attentive, available and receptive.

Step 5:

Don't allow distractions to interrupt a conversation. Phone calls, television, etc. Be the first to make sure those distractions wont affect a time of communication. (Especially if a conversation is an emotionally charged one)

Step 6:

Repeat the above steps as necessary keeping in mind that no one likes to be blamed or accused, or belittled, so make every effort to listen, hear, and then speak form a place of love and concern for the relationship, knowing that through every interaction and conversation the relationship can grow and you can become closer because of it.

Tips & Warnings

• Try to create the mood or an atmosphere of good communication
• Nothing is ever too important than quality interaction between two people in a love relationship.
• Guys need to talk too, although not in the same ways as women
• Communication and sharing is always important
• Never push too hard too quickly. When things get uncomfortable for either person or both, prepare to leave that discussion for another time. Sometimes it takes more than one conversation to solve a problem or to completely share a thought or idea

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