How To Avoid Marrying A Jerk

It should be easy to tell a jerk from a prince. Unfortunately, childhood patterns, previous experiences and compatibility all influence our decision-making skills. They also determine our ability to recognize a jerk. With observation, self-realization and realistic expectations, you can learn the secret to avoid marrying a jerk.

Step 1:

Set realistic expectations by not over idealizing your potential mate. Be honest with yourself when evaluating his flaws as well as assets. Decide what character traits are unacceptable and stick with your decision.

Step 2:

Take time to recuperate after the end of a relationship. Most jerks miraculously appear when you are most vulnerable--directly after a break up. Make time to learn about yourself and your new goals for a relationship.

Step 3:

Watch how he treats others. A potential jerk shows his tendencies fairly quickly. Observe how he treats waiters, other women, store clerks and co-workers. How he interacts with others--whether with respect or not--is a sign of how he will treat you.

Step 4:

Listen to how he talks about the women in his life. If he constantly complains about or degrades his mother, sister, ex-girlfriends or wives or any other woman in his life, beware. It is delusional to think he'll speak any differently about you.

Beware instant chemistry and false intimacy. Take the time to get to know your partner before deciding to marry. His jerk potential could be well hidden. It takes time to truly know someone and their values, commitment and honesty.

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