How Men Attract Women Without Saying A Word

You like them clean cut, and you like them scruffy. You like the muscle men or you like them with a few love handles. Yes ladies, your likes and dislikes range the gambit when it comes to your attraction to men. Question is, how do men figure out what you are attracted to?

Harder yet, how do some guys attract women without striking up a conversation?

The quick answer is that is there isn't a single answer. Visual appeal for women is the same as it is for men, although with women it usually goes beyond just the physical aspects of attraction. Women rely on far more than looks when it comes to stimulating attraction.

Whereas with men, we generally stop with the proverbial “36 – 24 – 36” rule since physical appearance is all we require. Here are just a few of the key characteristics a woman finds appealing that will draw her closer to her newest piece of “eye candy.”

Physical Attractions

The basic starting point is meeting the criteria of what the individual woman finds attractive. Women might like tall and built, or short and pudgy, who knows. Each woman has physical attributes that she finds attractive so we as men have little control over what she might find attractive. The only real option we have is hitting the gym, or going under the knife to shed that stubborn beer gut.

Does he have a great smile or great eyes? Does he have that special something that some women might be drawn to, like big biceps or a five o'clock shadow that separates him from the rest of the crowd?

Does he have an attractive woman accompanying him? A little known fact that men might not know is that a when a man and woman walk into a room together, the women who noticed their entrance will often look at the man's female companion first. Call it an alpha female response if you like, but most women will compare themselves to the female companion wondering if she is more or less attractive than her.

As you can see, there are many visual cues that can draw a woman's attention. Both men and woman use physical attraction as a screening process for potential partners, so obviously this is going to be a key, if not the main criterion for her to be attracted to newest man in her world.

Non-Physical Attractions

Does he interact well with his friends? Do they appear to gravitate toward him? Does he receive handshakes or other pleasantries showing he is a well liked member of the group? Social status is often viewed as a positive for a woman who has not struck up a conversation with you because it is an indicator of how great a catch you really are.

What is his behavior like in the current setting? Are you mingling well or standing out like a sore thumb? If you're at a bar or club, women will not be attracted to the drunken moron making a fool of himself. Although, if he participates in a well orchestrated Top Gun like serenade of You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling, chances are she gave the man a few bonus points.

To reinforce my theory, checkout the movie clip below. For those who survived the 80s will know this clip by heart.

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